I choose a Faction and then choose a Leader but after that it does not seem to draw those10 cards. If I click on Start Game it says " not enough unit cards ".
I don't know how to get more Unit cards are where from.
I click on the icons for the various categories but the right hand side is usually empty.
There seems to be one or more steps involved before getting a game started.
Rozenman: I will put it here instead of typing
How To Play Gwent
After starting the game, you’ll have to choose a faction and a leader. Your choice will dictate which cards you’ll be able to use and which faction-specific passive perk you’ll boast. Each faction has at least three variations of their leader.
When you’re done choosing, the game will draw 10 random cards from the deck of your chosen faction. You won’t get to draw any more cards during the game, but you’ll have the chance to re-draw two of them if you’re not satisfied with the results. The game is played in turns – a coin toss decides who goes first, and each player gets to play a card during his turn, or pass. Once you pass, you don’t get any more turns in that round, so pass only when you’re certain you’ll win or have already given up that round.
When both players pass, the round ends. The ten cards you’ve drawn at the start need to carry you through the whole game, so don’t toss them all on the board in the first round.
witcher 3 card game redraw The playing cards have a number in their upper left corner that signifies their strength. Every card you place increases your total strength score, and the player who has a higher score at the end of the round wins it. The game is played in a best-of-three manner – you start with two life gems, and loosing a round destroys one.
There are three types of basic cards – melee, ranged and siege. Each of them goes in a different row on the board, which is important because some special cards affect only certain rows. For instance, weather cards reduce the strength of all units in a certain row (for both players). Some unit cards have special abilities, like increasing the strength of others or reviving dead soldiers.
Finally, you can also have Hero cards in your decks. They are extremely rare, and not without cause – Heroes are units that are immune to special card effects.