Posted May 21, 2015
Wolfehunter: Very true but I can't compare skyrim to witcher 3.. As broken as Witcher 3 is atm.. it is a game no other can compare too its too unique in massiveness and coolness. I am happy for the patches they are much needed.
As far as I'm concerned this game isn't heavily busted.Few bugs here or there,some that are actually funny(soilders horse getting stuck between your horse and a stable.What was he doing over there?)...and afew annoying crashes here or there that make me want to save after every fight (or miniboss if your on higher than normal,know what I mean? ;P) -Time to fix bugs?Facts is sometimes post release version looks perfect.Not everyone is good at finding bugs and this is a cold fact.I only found 1 bug and thats people riding horses into my horse when I get off it like its a horse magnet.The game is great so far and feels very well polished for what it is.I welcome bug fixes to those unforntunate enough to run into bugs and I'm happy that they kept a clean eye out and got to work immediately after release to fix bugs and expliots.
-Guys worried about optimization: Looks like they are just adding a higher graphic setting and not a high base setting.I hope they don't do what Dying Light did and basically boot old/med rigs to the curve by taking away the ability to lower/turn off some settings.This is my first game on PC from this company so I don't know what to expect.I'll just have to wait and see.So far I like them.