Posted July 10, 2015

Yes, money makes the world go 'round. Is anyone actually surprised by this?

Our emotions are not created by other people, they come from within. Once I learned that in life, I started choosing to not see the world through a negative angry-filter. The view is so much nicer now even when things don't turn out in my favour or are otherwise suboptimal.
As always though, everyone is free to choose for themselves whether they prefer to feel angry or upset about things.
Once again, although there is a small amount of validity in your argument, it ignores 2 relevant facts.
1. Not everyone is so... 'enlightened'.
2. Number 1 is common knowledge, so to assume CDPR is unaware of number 1 is naive.
On second thought, I will give you points for one thing... you sure do like listening to yourself talk.
Post edited July 10, 2015 by Brashen