xcom25msl: pretty solid rig you have i see. mine is fx8320 and gtx650 ti. just had one crash after playing 10 days. other than
that im gaming all right. you are not playing BF4 and Witcher3 at the same time are you? coz you are inviting your PC to crash ok. my other guess is that your rig is overheating. so check your temperatures and cooling fans shoud be working. CPU temp should not hit above the 60 degrees celsius to be safe.
DarkSabre010: No I'm not playing them at the same time xD.
And my CPU tops 50C and my GPU tops 75C. So I don't think its a heating issue.
As Ryuubei said, it might be my PSU, but I want to be 100% sure first before I replace it, because money is an issue of course :P
A wrd of caution, if you suspect the PSU in ANY way, replace it. I learnt the hard way and kept using a PSU i thought was on it's way out, but was also thinking it was just faulty ram. So i replaced the ram and week later the PSU blew and took my CPU with it.
These days if im even a little worried about the PSU i change it, i'd rather be £100 out of pocket on the PSU than having to buy a new CPU or more. Thankfully it's not gotten that bad since i bought a good PSU this time round, but it always worries me :D
If you can stick the PSU in a different system and play a game that you've played on your own, that has consistently caused it to die, suc as W3. If it dies in THAT system as well, you're almost garunteeed its the PSU.
nother alternative is to take the entire system into a store for a full maintenece. Something else i've started to do, since i honestly don't have the time to do. It costs me £40 every 6months or so, but they can spot problems before they get serious. Just make sure it's not a dodgy store that will basically try and milk you for every cent hehe