Oh man, BF2142. This game haunts my nightmares. I had the original CD but for some reason I could never manage to get the patches working, so I was not able to play online back in the day. I did however play a lot of the singleplayer with mods and I have a lot of fond memories. Fast forward some years and here comes the revival project. Man, when that was around I caught up to the online and what a game this is. I already loved BF2, and this is that game on crack. Titan mode is truly peak Battlefield and it's a crime that it never really came back (the mode in BF4 isn't really the same). Since by then the people playing were all fans of the game, the teamwork was pretty good and really elevated the arcade but tactical gameplay the series had at that point. They don't really make games like this anymore, it's either balls to the wall action or super tacticool games where you absolutely need to get a good squad to survive. I crave a game like BF2142 again, and while that doesn't come back, I would love for it to be easily accessible again. Maybe we can't get a new master server, but at least people would be able to get the software and join fan made ones more easily if they can get it in an official manner.