Logged into my old account just to vote for the series on this.
The story is simple, honestly. I was a kid with a wii. Didnt get the first two games until i was an adult in a used game store, so my context for what was going on was shaky.
You come away with a really weird take on the past plots if this is your only one lmao. But still, i was contantly between this and My Sims. Id sit and max out my fossil capacity and then hammer them all out- i could get most spectrobes with zero damage in under 30 seconds.
I liked bouncing between worlds, I liked the guitar riff on the menu, i eventually looked up how to get all the special weapons and liked using them.
Took me forever to actually beat the game because i was a small and dumb kid, but me and my ketobasu spectrobe Crocs reigned supreme.
Its a fat chance to get these on GoG but one can dream