Story:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the fifth main installment of The Legend of Zelda series and the first to be released for the Nintendo 64. It was one of the most highly anticipated games of its age, and is listed among the greatest video games ever created by numerous websites and magazines. The gameplay of Ocarina of Time was revolutionary for its time, it has arguably made more of an impact on later games in the series than any of its predecessors even though they had the same cores of exploration, dungeons, puzzles and item usage. Among the gameplay mechanics, one of the most noteworthy is the time-traveling system. The game begins with the player controlling the child Link, but later on an adult Link becomes a playable character as well and each of them has certain unique abilities. Ocarina of Time also introduces the use of music to solve puzzles: as new songs are learned, they can be used to solve puzzles, gain access to new areas and warp to different locations. Dungeon exploration is somewhat more puzzle-oriented than in earlier games but they are not too complex.Show more
"Zelda is more than just a game; it's a world I love to explore. The stories, the characters, the music, everything is just magical. It's the best game series ever created, hands down!"
One of my two favorite titles from The Legend Of Zelda franchise, my brother played this game on the N64 when it came out back in the late 90s. I would have my chance to try it out when my family got our first Nintendo Gamecube which came with the promotional disk that had this game as well as Majora's Mask on it. It's a classic and probably one of the most well-known titles of the franchise.
i still own the original 64 version and the 3ds version still one of many zelda games i own that i really enjoyed playing as a kid. still hate bongo bongo dungeon i still had one of my friends beat that dumb boss for me. i can't do it myself if my life depended on it rofl! XD all in all great game and still love playing the ocarina. love the songs and everything else.
Favorite game of all time! Would love to see this on PC but those sneaky Nintendo Ninjas make this just a simple "in theory" vote! Will never happen but a man can dream!
This one is just a no brainer you GOTTA preserve this one. It's one of the top 10 games of all time ever made agreed upon by pretty much every gaming magazine and media publisher. If you can get Nintendo to actually give the okay on it, DO IIIIIIIIIIIIT!