JakobFel: That is completely different logic.
A game is not unfinished because it has bugs. To say that is just blatantly ridiculous. A finished product is one that works as intended. Products have flaws but that doesn't make them unfinished. Call 2077 "defective" if you want but it's most certainly not unfinished.
Umm... A product with bugs works as intended?
Did CP77 work as intended at release? Does it now (to what percentage?)?
What I wrote is
actual logic... what you wrote... is not. Not even "different" logic.
Again - your point was that a game that has all the (declaredly) intended content is "finished", somehow no matter the state the product was in. That was exactly your point "It's not unfinished, because all the content is there". Which, for most people, and most developers, simply is not true. We call that state "feature complete". We call a product finished when it reliably works as intended in a acceptable percentage of cases (exact numbers differ - a game with a few glitches may be acceptable, a flight computer rather not).
Finished means "We can stop working on it (unless a new issue crops up)." Everything before that is "unfinished", because - how hard can it be - the work is not done yet.
frogthroat: Then comes the patching. And once you are done with that, think you are finally finished and close the project, the client/market demands an MT. (Maintenance build.)
MTs can't always be avoided. Especially if the software has security features and some country you do business with changes their, say, privacy laws. (I'm looking at you, California SB-327 -- especially 1798.91.04 subdivision b, amirite?)
Yeah support and maintenance are certainly an important part. But it's a different project in our case. The product is "finished" when the customer has signed the acceptance (based on their criteria). If we applied JF's criteria (finished when all features are present, no matter the state) we'd go out of business soon...
Estimating the actual state of completion is also important for the business. You can't call a product finished and done and then spend months to fix it - who pays for that?
For cases where we have to change things because of external factors like you described we usually have support contracts which cover the costs. It happens quite often in our business.