Posted November 02, 2019

It's 2L84U
Registered: Sep 2011
From Puerto Rico

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Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted November 02, 2019

I mean look at all the devs making women less endowed and covering them up....many claim it's artistic vision, but looking at rejected designs for some of these characters and reading leaked game dev info shows they want to make stuff that men(and some women) want to see but don't to avoid cries of "that's objectification!".
Post edited November 02, 2019 by GameRager

New User
Registered: Jul 2018
From Germany
Posted November 03, 2019
Diablo 4 has nothing to do with Diablo 1 and Warcraft 1&2 being released on GoG.
It's way more likely that they got released here
-to counter some of the bad PR and the flak Blizzard got for the Diablo Immortal announcement debacle
-because those games are so damn old that Blizzard either couldn't figure out how or couldn't be arsed to get them to fit into their internal framework where everything has to be always-online and installed, launched and maintained through the client.
It's way more likely that they got released here
-to counter some of the bad PR and the flak Blizzard got for the Diablo Immortal announcement debacle
-because those games are so damn old that Blizzard either couldn't figure out how or couldn't be arsed to get them to fit into their internal framework where everything has to be always-online and installed, launched and maintained through the client.
Post edited November 03, 2019 by Swedrami
user deleted
Fuelled by coffee and hate
Registered: Apr 2009
From Norway
Posted November 03, 2019
The mage (I guess) had boobs combined with clothes so revealing that I would get uncomfortable if I saw a neighbor clothed like that. One character has big boobs, another one has smaller boobs, what's the problem? I for one am glad that they choose what they think fits the character instead of trying to please any side of identity politics.

New User
Registered: Jul 2018
From Germany
Posted November 03, 2019
You want titties?
Have at it (or in motion if you prefer).
The thing is that they won't be there anymore when the game releases.
Together with all depictions of blood, bones and everything else that doesn't fly in good old China.
Have at it (or in motion if you prefer).
The thing is that they won't be there anymore when the game releases.
Together with all depictions of blood, bones and everything else that doesn't fly in good old China.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted November 03, 2019


Have at it (or in motion if you prefer).
The thing is that they won't be there anymore when the game releases.
Together with all depictions of blood, bones and everything else that doesn't fly in good old China.
As for china: Did they ever allow the sale of the older Diablo games? As they have(iirc) ghosts and spirits/demons I don't know if that could fly over there.
Post edited November 03, 2019 by GameRager

New User
Registered: Jul 2018
From Germany
Posted November 03, 2019

Have at it (or in motion if you prefer).
The thing is that they won't be there anymore when the game releases.
Together with all depictions of blood, bones and everything else that doesn't fly in good old China.

As for china: Did they ever allow the sale of the older Diablo games? As they have(iirc) ghosts and spirits/demons I don't know if that could fly over there.
I vaguely remember that in general there are some differences in regards to retail vs. digital censorship (one being not as strict as the other?), but I could be wrong there.
Besides the mentioned things very likely to be subjected to censorship I do expect the general darkness and grittiness to be gradually and ever so slightly dialed back over the next few years (or however long development is going to take) as well and that the end product will look nothing like what was revealed yesterday.
It'll be Diablo 3 all over again.
Post edited November 03, 2019 by Swedrami

Registered: Oct 2012
From Canada
Posted November 03, 2019
Mixed feeling about it but it does look nice, wish they showed more characters unless they are gonna use them for a future expansion.
Post edited November 03, 2019 by DreamedArtist

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Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted November 03, 2019

I vaguely remember that in general there are some differences in regards to retail vs. digital censorship (one being not as strict as the other?), but I could be wrong there.

It'll be Diablo 3 all over again.

I hunt Ghouls
Registered: Sep 2008
From Italy
Posted November 03, 2019
Well, as a long-time fan of the Diablo saga, this first unveiling of Diablo IV looks interesting at least... No cartoonish graphics like Diablo III, no "chosen one" bullshit like Diablo III, a grim and dark story as every Diablo game should be. And the Sorceress, always love me so Sorceress...
Let's hope for the better then, too bad it's still online-only even in single-player mode like the fucking "Facebook Diablo" (Diablo III, again).
Let's hope for the better then, too bad it's still online-only even in single-player mode like the fucking "Facebook Diablo" (Diablo III, again).
Post edited November 03, 2019 by KingofGnG

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Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted November 03, 2019

If they make a console version that's not as online based after a bit that would also be good.

New User
Registered: Jul 2018
From Germany
Posted November 03, 2019

It'll be Diablo 3 all over again.
No real surpise there, Blizzard will never again make a game that isn't always-online, even for singleplayer.
How else are they going to retain control over the game resp. the license to the game you purchased?
Dungeons and campaign quest areas remaining "private" may sound acceptable enough at first glance, but they forgot to mention that in what they're referring to as "safe spaces" (villages, settlements, etc) in the general "shared (over-)world" you'll still see and come across other players (with names such as "BitchMeister666" or "ROFLn00b" on display). So much for the truly solo "private" and immersive experience.
They should just call it for what it is - a fucking MMO.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted November 03, 2019
No real surprise there, Blizzard will never again make a game that isn't always-online, even for singleplayer.
How else are they going to retain control over the game resp. the license to the game you purchased?

EH, I like SOME less popular MMOs.....if it followed their lead in look/feel/play I might like it....although I reallly want that console version that plays offline eventually.

Registered: Nov 2012
From United States
Posted November 03, 2019
Doesn't matter. People shouldn't support a company who values supporting an oppressive regime and getting paid by them over basic human rights. I'll never give Blizzard another dime, and I hope those hypocritical fucktards go out of business for showing their true colors.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted November 03, 2019

Said companies(unless they did something unforgivable and lost a ton of sales) will make said money anyways so why not let people play as they will(and without being judged, as we all do things others would find fault in) and let the market decide as it should?