Posted November 04, 2019

It's 2L84U
Registered: Sep 2011
From Puerto Rico

Registered: Jun 2013
From Korea, Democratic People's Republic of

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted November 04, 2019

Addition: Except the end boss to the DLC...that crap was hard as heck and took me 15 minutes to finish, and I had to do it multiple times.
Post edited November 04, 2019 by GameRager

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted November 05, 2019
So watched portions of the 'trailer', which looks like it was an expansion to D3 but got scrapped, so the footage was reused.
The 'gameplay'... I don't know, something feels off, it's possible they rushed to make multiple classes that aren't fully fleshed out with a few abilities to show off. Some of the monsters remind me of D2 era. The 'dreams' also seems a callback to D2.
Plus with them obviously going for micro-transactions... I don't know.
The 'gameplay'... I don't know, something feels off, it's possible they rushed to make multiple classes that aren't fully fleshed out with a few abilities to show off. Some of the monsters remind me of D2 era. The 'dreams' also seems a callback to D2.
Plus with them obviously going for micro-transactions... I don't know.

By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa
Posted November 05, 2019
Even if I had any intention of giving them money again until they do a 180 on their bs, diablo 3 left a severely bad taste in my mouth with how its always online requirement affected the gameplay. With almost every single hit there was a slight delay before it registered, and sometimes a long delay. It was, to put it mildly, infuriating. Only a game for people with very good connections then. Though I suppose it depends how they go about it. Path of Exile doesn't have any such issues for example and that if obviously always online.

Vote for Ever 17!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Poland
Posted November 05, 2019
Watched few parts of 20 min barbarian game play... I was not able to watch it full as it looks just like Diablo 3 with some reskin and tweaks. Here few quick that come to my mind after that:
- Still hp pots with cooldown. (ah that beautiful times when you run around because you can't heal yourself - also they just hammered down % LL)
- Still skill that generating resources and skills that spending them (hated it in D3 but I'm aware that many ppl liked it more than managing their mana/mp pots... maybe it will be better this time but I wouldn't hold my breath... I mean I want to use skill I want, not the one I must), also long cooldowns on some spending skills (here you have this amazing skill, in fast paced H&S, that you can use once every 2 minutes - but after some patches we will make it so with some sets, other items and other random shits it will have almost 100% up time - it will still have 1sec downtime just so you can feel bad [sigh, I wasted to much time in D3...]).
- Again attack on weapon have some stupid numbers like 2000... what's the point (again core mechanics depends on weapon damage for every class?).
Apart from the skill tree... it's just Diablo 3 (even items in inventory looks the same)... and then I see youtube comments like "can't wait, it will be amazing"... seriously? I know it may be early beta but I'm talking about what I see now, and now I see same crap, just with some cherry on top. Somehow, it makes me angry and I don't know why... :P
- Still hp pots with cooldown. (ah that beautiful times when you run around because you can't heal yourself - also they just hammered down % LL)
- Still skill that generating resources and skills that spending them (hated it in D3 but I'm aware that many ppl liked it more than managing their mana/mp pots... maybe it will be better this time but I wouldn't hold my breath... I mean I want to use skill I want, not the one I must), also long cooldowns on some spending skills (here you have this amazing skill, in fast paced H&S, that you can use once every 2 minutes - but after some patches we will make it so with some sets, other items and other random shits it will have almost 100% up time - it will still have 1sec downtime just so you can feel bad [sigh, I wasted to much time in D3...]).
- Again attack on weapon have some stupid numbers like 2000... what's the point (again core mechanics depends on weapon damage for every class?).
Apart from the skill tree... it's just Diablo 3 (even items in inventory looks the same)... and then I see youtube comments like "can't wait, it will be amazing"... seriously? I know it may be early beta but I'm talking about what I see now, and now I see same crap, just with some cherry on top. Somehow, it makes me angry and I don't know why... :P
Post edited November 05, 2019 by Trid

Registered: Mar 2009
From Denmark
Posted November 05, 2019

Addition: Except the end boss to the DLC...that crap was hard as heck and took me 15 minutes to finish, and I had to do it multiple times.
I like Diablo 3 and RoS and even got the Necro but this new one doesn't fill me with the warm fuzzies but we will see.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted November 06, 2019

I like Diablo 3 and RoS and even got the Necro but this new one doesn't fill me with the warm fuzzies but we will see.

New User
Registered: Aug 2013
From Germany
Posted November 06, 2019

Vote for Ever 17!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Poland
Posted November 06, 2019
Imho anything more than 10 sec in fast paced H&S is stupid (it's not mmo), but here we had D3 with 60 second reuse for HP pot so nothing will surprise me anymore.

roms! Roms! ROMS!
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted November 06, 2019
Hmmm. . . well. . .
needs more cow-bell.
Oh, hold up. . . I'm not going to be able to play this. . . I only have an iPhone 5. :(
needs more cow-bell.
Oh, hold up. . . I'm not going to be able to play this. . . I only have an iPhone 5. :(
Post edited November 06, 2019 by lolinc

roms! Roms! ROMS!
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted November 06, 2019
But seriously, it kind of has that implicit "for ages 5-15" disclaimer on it, minus the D-cup warrior goddess; as far as the intro goes, it lacks the depth and heart-sinking despair and horror of D2, which had every pentecostal on the planet up in arms.
And lazy-trope/stock cinematic soundtrack.
And lazy-trope/stock cinematic soundtrack.
Post edited November 06, 2019 by lolinc

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted November 06, 2019

(Also the game allowed one to stock up on many health endgame I had like 90+ of them and the health pots in the final fight, way more than needed)

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted November 06, 2019

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted November 06, 2019
I got it used on console for similar reasons and because I am a poor is ok for the price I paid, imo, and it is offline which is a big big plus.