Posted March 27, 2015

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Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

Registered: Dec 2014
From United States
Posted March 27, 2015
My Animal Crossing GameCube game, did that , the memory card, died one day, and erased the whole save files clean, and I had to start fresh, I was so sad.

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted March 27, 2015
Thankfully for me it wasn't my primary file, that was on the card that came with the game. All the same, I felt terrible not to mention my Paper Mario and Wind Waker files.

Registered: Sep 2012
From British Virgin Islands
Posted March 27, 2015
Someone posted a thread asking if it was wrong to post pics of you cat or dog without its permission so I guess this thread is no less reflective of our values.
Perhaps we should be asking is it wrong to shoot (ie: "kill") human shaped cardboard targets?
TRIGGER WARNING! These images may be disturbing or upsetting for some people. It's a genuine concern in our society today that cardboard representations of humanoid forms are being sold on the open market! Shocking, but true.
Perhaps we should be asking is it wrong to shoot (ie: "kill") human shaped cardboard targets?
TRIGGER WARNING! These images may be disturbing or upsetting for some people. It's a genuine concern in our society today that cardboard representations of humanoid forms are being sold on the open market! Shocking, but true.

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted March 27, 2015

Perhaps we should be asking is it wrong to shoot (ie: "kill") human shaped cardboard targets?
TRIGGER WARNING! These images may be disturbing or upsetting for some people. It's a genuine concern in our society today that cardboard representations of humanoid forms are being sold on the open market! Shocking, but true.
Does THIS count as "killing in video games"?

Registered: Sep 2012
From British Virgin Islands
Posted March 27, 2015

Perhaps we should be asking is it wrong to shoot (ie: "kill") human shaped cardboard targets?
TRIGGER WARNING! These images may be disturbing or upsetting for some people. It's a genuine concern in our society today that cardboard representations of humanoid forms are being sold on the open market! Shocking, but true.

Does count as "killing in video games"? <a href="" class="link_arrow"></a></div> Did you ever play the old game [url=]Hangman? What a travesty of justice that thing is!

Service with a smile :D
Registered: Sep 2014
From Netherlands
Posted March 27, 2015

Do you really believe this nonsense?

elephants for one, have an extremely good memory, there is a tv commercial where a young kid is eating a rolo
and he is teasing a young elephant, years later that same fat bloke is watching a parade and that elephant gives him a bang with his trunk.
Rolo commercial with elephant
monkeys , these are the closest to us, i like these animals a lot there my favorite, especially the chimpansee
these are the intelligent ones and the most human like.
Post edited March 27, 2015 by gamesfreak64

Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted March 27, 2015

Do you really believe this nonsense?
Other animals than homo sapiens have long-term memory too you know?

elephants for one, have an extremely good memory, there is a tv commercial where a young kid is eating a rolo
and he is teasing a young elephant, years later that same fat bloke is watching a parade and that elephant gives him a bang with his trunk.
Rolo commercial with elephant
monkeys , these are the closest to us, i like these animals a lot there my favorite, especially the chimpansee
these are the intelligent ones and the most human like.

Service with a smile :D
Registered: Sep 2014
From Netherlands
Posted March 27, 2015

elephants for one, have an extremely good memory, there is a tv commercial where a young kid is eating a rolo
and he is teasing a young elephant, years later that same fat bloke is watching a parade and that elephant gives him a bang with his trunk.
Rolo commercial with elephant
monkeys , these are the closest to us, i like these animals a lot there my favorite, especially the chimpansee
these are the intelligent ones and the most human like.

now that i think of it, i did read/heard something in the past about octopi beiing smart, but because of the short lifespan of the octopi, the monkey would be the runner up i guess, after the octipi forfits because it died because of its short lifespan.
And thats a good thing cause frankly i rather hold a chimpansee then an octipi, cause octopi remind me of snakes and serpents and i dont favor any of those animals, they are kinda scaring.
And monkeys come closest to the human, and resemble more likeness to us , or better put we resembles more likenes to them.
Anyways i rather had a chimp then any other animal (besides a dog (small dogs that is)
Dogs are mans best friend.

Does count as "killing in video games"? <a href="" class="link_arrow"></a></div><div class="small_avatar_2_h"><img src="//" width="16" height="16" alt="avatar" /></div><span class="quot_text"><span class="quot_user_name">noncompliantgame: </span></span>Did you ever play the old game [url=]Hangman? What a travesty of justice that thing is!
the 1st one looks like a kid with a teddybear so basically whacking those count as killing and should be forbidden, then again for all we know it might have a gun inside the teddybear (the last boyscout(good movie , its in my collection)where the kid asks her dad (bruce willis) to make the doll 'speak'
2nd its a police officer, BUT it could be a homicidal maniac dressed as a cop (hill street blues tv-series where a bunch of crooks in polie uniforms enter the station and shoout a witness and just walk out of the bureau)
3rd is hood a gangster so shoot to kill, however who guarantees its not a lawmen infiltrated and dress as a criminal?
so its hard to decide whats right or wrong , and you only have a few second to act.
Post edited March 27, 2015 by gamesfreak64

Lost in a Cloud
Registered: Nov 2014
From United States
Posted June 12, 2018
I would rather take my anger and stress out on some pixels and painting that represent people than do it to actual people.
That being said, by no means would I go so far as to harm anyone even when there are no video games but it helps to get away from it all and kill some bad guys. Be the hero.
Like Solid Snake, Ratchet, Jak and even Max Payne. I know there are games where you get rewarded for killing but they are few and far between. Metal Gear Solid series is one of those but a lot of open world games have no such option.
That being said, by no means would I go so far as to harm anyone even when there are no video games but it helps to get away from it all and kill some bad guys. Be the hero.
Like Solid Snake, Ratchet, Jak and even Max Payne. I know there are games where you get rewarded for killing but they are few and far between. Metal Gear Solid series is one of those but a lot of open world games have no such option.