Alchemir: I just tried dosbox-x. With the dos startfile of privateer2 I get this error:
Missing or invalid 386fx driver
DOD/4GW error (2001): exception 0Bh (segment not present) at 160:00000019
when I try the patched exe I just get the message: this is a Windows95 executable
but it should play win95 file per default or is there some settings I have to change?
rtcvb32: Sounds suspiciously like the conf file is wrong and needs a higher ram xms/ems configuration modified.
386fx driver... i believe DosBox-x is suppose to support Glide, but that dll needs to be present too in with the game folder. Can't recall if it has it by default or not.
edit: Says that
Privateer 2 is a dos game... but Deluxe is a windows version.
So it might be patched to run directly rather than through dosbox? Don't know, i'll install my version from 2016 and see what it has/says.
edit2: Threw in a DosBox-X and was able to run it directly without any changes, including the minimal dll drivers.
So... not sure what's going on for you.
Mind you i DID manually start the program with the appropriate flag(s) via cygwin; But making your own shortcut to use it should work too.
So for trying the dosbox-x. copy the appropriate files to the DOSBOX folder
Create-shortcut on dosbox-x.exe
Edit the shortcut, to show (likely) "{GAMEPATH}\DOSBOX\dosbox-x.exe" -conf "..\dosbox_privateer2.conf" -conf "..\dosbox_privateer2_single.conf" -noconsole -c exit
Then it will likely run.. Though i wasn't running it with dosbox_privateer2.conf, only the single. Meh we'll figure it out.
when i start the patched exe without any changes for compability it says I have to run install.exe
when I start it in compability-mode for Win95 windows changes the settings to WinXP and wants me to test that. After that it says i had to run install.exe
I'll try editing the shortcut too and let you know my results.