BreOl72: Even more amazing that you obviously think ALL the official tables with comparing living costs, that I have access to via the internet, are wrong.
I looked up several, before I wrote my comment. And they all say the same. Living in Argentina is 50% to 73% cheaper than in the US.
If you , as a Japanese, know more - don't hesitate...educate me.
Why would you think I'm Japanese?
Why did you assume $ meant USD?
And why would you put your absolute blind faith in cost of living statistics? Even the best statistics are the least wrong and biased on whatever metric they use.
All easy mistakes to make, but this sums up why I posted:
Spectrum_Legacy: I would take the local dude's word for it over your 10-minute online study any day though.
The fact you are intimating someone is not telling the whole truth about their own country's situation from a country far away using Google to find statistics, instead of talking to them and asking them why, is why you are arrogant and stupid.