Enebias: I won't contribute to the hate campaign (any hate campaign, for what matters. One thing is heavy criticism or even boycott towards practices I find unacceptable, another is hate). Sure as hell I dislike Gearbox with a passion and some of their past actions have been... quite
questionable, to stay polite, yet who knows what the future holds. Until not long ago I wouldn't have ever imagined that Bethesda going outside Steam and I didn't think much better of them, either, so there is always hope for alternatives.
Smannesman: Alright I'm with you, I'm channeling all my hate towards GOG.
Enebias: Like you did anything else here during the last months. I wonder why I still bother to read your posts -or worse, replying to them- rather than simply ignoring them. Carry on, though: practice makes perfect, and with time and effort maybe one day you will be able to write the ultimate, pointlessly annoying bashing post!
Boycott sounds like an idea! "Dear gearbox, since you do not release your games on GOG I'd like to boycott you. Could you please release at least 4 games on gog so I can commence the boycott properly?" :D