Mine was "Links LS". Yesterday, I was mingling again with the 1998 Edition available here on GOG.COM, but finally decided to give the previous version (1997 Edition) from a used retail copy a try.
"Links LS 1997 Edition" has a couple of 'shiny' features less than the '98 one (ingame mainly no additional animated objects, no weather/fog affecting the course and slower and visible image construction), but since it is still DOS-based it runs smoothly under DOSBox and so far I have not encountered any of the freezeing or crashing bugs that are repeatable in the '98 Edition only compatible for Windows!
The only hustle was, installing all the addon courses individually from within the DOS program. The syntax of the course registration list file is slightly different from the later '98 Edition, hence I could not simply copy and paste the files.
Furthermore, for those interested in it, the north american version runs fine without the need for the cd (except for tour, museeum and course videos) after a manual complete install. (According to the patch readme, the european version includes an additional copy protection.)
Now, I am curious, why GOG.COM did not got this DOS version of "Links LS"-maybe as a bonus or another product entry-for it seems much more stable and compatible.
Kind regards,