Zimerius: How so? Sprawling beautiful world?! Melody, the drunk bard (if you took that route) and the director's cut of the game. What can go wrong?
Deadmarye: I thought I'd have fun with it considering how legendary its aura has been in my childhood. I hadn't played it, but always heard good things.
Alas, the stiff and slow combat ruined my enjoyement. Exploring is fun, the lack of loot (auto convert in currency) is a fantastic time saver (no inventory clutter ? Woohoo) and I do enjoy the story/dialogs. The summoning is a neat idea as well but yeah, dunno, it's not clicking with me the way I hoped it would.
Maybe I'm just not in the correct mood and possibly too harsh with a 2003 game regularly on sale under 4€.
Think I'm only halfway through the game yet and I do expect to finish it at least.
lol, it is the title of the game. I thought you made a word joke, expressing yourself with a slew of degrading words in place of the actual title of the game. But no, suddenly i also remember that the game you are playing came as recommended, at least to some.
Hf for the remainder though
oh and, the title i was mistaken with is the 2020,19? reimagination of a bard's tale. Full-blown RP 1st person party dungeon crawler