Posted October 12, 2018
End 1993 / Beginning 1994: Frontier: Elite 2
- Great review in PC Gamer (UK)
- It was a BIG game.
Sure I loved P&C adventures, but sometimes you got stuck in those and that meant waiting weeks until I could take a trip to the nearest big city / game store to take a peak in one of the game guides they sold.
I was a relatively poor 16 year old teenager and could maybe buy ONE game per year. I had a few illegally copied games, but those were really hard to find - almost nobody played PC games in my part of the world.
It was no coincidence that this coincided with the first release of PC Gamer (the first serious pc games reviewing magazine I've ever found (for sale)). Games were really expensive back then and by the time they should've been discounted, they disappeared from store shelves. No way that I dared to make a purchases just based on the pretty pictures on the box.
It was a good choice and I played it a lot. Nowadays my time is/feels a lot more limited and I have no interest in huge sandbox games with barely a story. My first love was story/lore heavy games and that has never changed.
So... what was yours?
I can imagine younger people's motivations differ a lot from mine - especially if you grew up in a time of digital distribution.
- Great review in PC Gamer (UK)
- It was a BIG game.
Sure I loved P&C adventures, but sometimes you got stuck in those and that meant waiting weeks until I could take a trip to the nearest big city / game store to take a peak in one of the game guides they sold.
I was a relatively poor 16 year old teenager and could maybe buy ONE game per year. I had a few illegally copied games, but those were really hard to find - almost nobody played PC games in my part of the world.
It was no coincidence that this coincided with the first release of PC Gamer (the first serious pc games reviewing magazine I've ever found (for sale)). Games were really expensive back then and by the time they should've been discounted, they disappeared from store shelves. No way that I dared to make a purchases just based on the pretty pictures on the box.
It was a good choice and I played it a lot. Nowadays my time is/feels a lot more limited and I have no interest in huge sandbox games with barely a story. My first love was story/lore heavy games and that has never changed.
So... what was yours?
I can imagine younger people's motivations differ a lot from mine - especially if you grew up in a time of digital distribution.