KiNgBrAdLeY7: Hehehe, obviously, lol... Many times people are left wondering if i wanted to make a joke, to troll, or shamelessly hurl the NAKED truth with sincerity and honesty, as well as with complete disinterest towards the "consequences" of such a thing, as i always do.
Next person were fat and became slim, or slim and became fat, once, but with a very large different in both numbers and diameter.
Correct. I was very slim 3 years ago. I started to take a pill and that made me gain 25 Kgs in 6 months. It was a shocking change in a short time.
Next person has recently gone to theater to watch a play. I dont mean Movies. Real live drama play. I couldnt find the word for it in english. You know, people act on stage infront of you.