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List of games i complete this year.

GreedFall (Great gameplay and story with a weak ending. IMO)
Alien Breed 2: Assault (Game was okay, nothing great.)
Alien: Isolation (Not much to say, but it was fantastic.)
Mafia: Definitive Edition (Really surprised at this remake. Felt like improvement in eveyway to me.)
Curse: The Eye of Isis (Fun if you like survival horror games.)
Real Heroes: Firefighter HD (It's a fun short game.)
Starship Troopers: Terran Command (Hands down the best ST game. My only down side is there is no skirmish mode.)
GTA5 story


Completed 93percent of game. some races were not done,

but did all the mission all the freaks tasks, collected letters, radioactive waste, submarine parts and spaceship parts and did the scientology missions.

All parachute jumps done. stole the fighter plane as well and saved it.


great game. i really like gta games and have fun with their stories.

not touching online.
Post edited September 03, 2022 by lukaszthegreat
The Artful Escape, Sept 3 (Xbox Game Pass)-Less a game and more an experience. And that experience wasn't bad but wasn't great either. Its a story about a weird kid trying to figure out who he is in the shadow of his uncle which ultimately didn't interest me that much. The visual were trippy and the music was wild but I did prefer the melancholy folk music more. Voice acting was quite good. At about 4.5 hours its not too long to stick it out to its inevitable conclusion.

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Beat King Knight recently, after I beat Plague Knight I will finally beat each of the shovel knight games.
Finally finished King of Dragon Pass!
Got it in 2012, a few bad starts, had to give up, when I tried to push through I ended up with a complete failure in 2014, clan disbanded, tried again in 2015, going really badly and gave up, and been putting it on the to play list every year ever since, but only finally gave it another go this year, from July, and last night finally won (long game, I mean), had the Queen of Dragon Pass.

Yes, plenty of save scumming with the heroquests, otherwise it seems just about impossible, and a few other moments. Randomness is a pain, you can do the exact same thing and get opposite results, plus that the events that happen dictate much of what you can do and those can differ greatly as well.
Extraordinary on its artistic merits though, all the lore and how important it is to actually learn it (could be better written though), the pictures, the music, all of it so fitting, and also having your saga saved as text and accessible outside the game as well.

So here's mine as it put it in the final file:
kodp_win.png (408 Kb)
Lost Words: Beyond the Page, Sep 4 (Xbox Game Pass)-Nobody warned me about this game. I thought "here's a short game with some light puzzle elements about a magical, fantasy world". I was not ready for the emotional rollercoaster that ensued. The gameplay and puzzle elements were very light, think a watered down Trine. The visuals were really good. But the writing and voice acting were superb. And the story draws you in and then crushes you with the weight of its emotional impact. My partner cried while she was watching me play. Its like a very well written visual novel that really makes you feel something.

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Death Stranding (PC Game Pass)

It's Spintires Mudrunner with a story. It's a great game actually, much better than I was hoping- you can never tell with Sony owned IP's since their rabid fanboys over inflate everything. Like I always find- Sony's own in house games are high quality but bland- their truly great games are the ones where they give some money to a third party developer, that's when you end up with truly great games like Bloodborne and Death Stranding.

Anyway, I played it on PC since I sold my PS4 and maybe will never get a PS5. The Win 10 Game Pass version ran faultlessly, not a single crash or glitch. My PC is certainly not cutting edge- RX580/2600x combo. So I was only able to do 1080p at PS4 like settings- though it held 60fps instead of the PS4 30fps. At those settings I found that my GPU was maxed at 100% most of the game and CPU at 30%, so it is well and truly a GPU bound game.

I actually really liked the primary game play loop just like I sometimes enjoy open traversal games like Euro Truck Sim, Mudrunner, Train Sim World etc. Add to that a really interesting story that includes some clever online features that encourage co-operation between players without having to deal with them directly- a type of subtle online multiplayer that I really like and has been no where near explored enough in gaming yet. You could play this game offline- but just like Journey, it would not be the same or the intended experience. I especially like the road building aspect of online co-operation.The acting and characters are as good as any game I've played too. It's a good thing that the basic loop of traversal and connecting people are the games main theme- because the combat is the one part of the game I did not like very much. Both the stealth like BT sections and the more direct MULE and Terrorist combat really underwhelmed me and was frequent enough that it just became tedious. The boss fights were not that great either IMO.

Excellent experience, so good that this is one of those Game Pass games that definitely goes onto my curated buy list for later- I just have to decide what platform/store to get it on.
Quake 3 arena

beat all maps on third hardest difficulty. im too old to play on harder ones.

haha. relived some old good times.

but done.

never to be touched again.
Her Story (PC Game Pass)

Short FMV game where the developer takes something like an episode of True Crimes and chops it up into little bite sized videos that you have to find using a search engine to be able to piece together the story. It's okay but overall I think I preferred Barlow's next game, Telling Lies, better simply because it at least has something of an ending, or at least a resolution. Her Story just ends whenever you think you've found and watched enough video files to come to your own resolution. It's worth playing, but I'm also not blown away by it either- it's short enough that it doesn't overstay its welcome.
CMOT70: Her Story (PC Game Pass)

Short FMV game where the developer takes something like an episode of True Crimes and chops it up into little bite sized videos that you have to find using a search engine to be able to piece together the story. It's okay but overall I think I preferred Barlow's next game, Telling Lies, better simply because it at least has something of an ending, or at least a resolution. Her Story just ends whenever you think you've found and watched enough video files to come to your own resolution. It's worth playing, but I'm also not blown away by it either- it's short enough that it doesn't overstay its welcome.
I felt pretty similarly on this one. It had some good ideas and hinted at some pretty interesting narrative possibilities for future games but ultimately the actual game didn't really grab me despite looking forward to it for some time.
Blade of Darkness. I played most of the way through this with the barbarian character but finally broke down on one of the last few levels because I just wasn't having much fun with it. But I decided to restart with another character, thinking I'd just play through the intro level to see how it was, so I picked the amazon and found the game much easier. As it turns out, I should have read up ahead of time because the barbarian is often considered the most difficult character to play and the amazon is one of the easiest.

My issue with the barbarian is that although he hits hard, being a manly shirtless fellow he has almost no defense, so literally every encounter is potentially fatal or at least crippling if you don't execute everything flawlessly every time, and I found his combos difficult to pull off consistently. I was getting one- two-shotted by regular trolls even late in the game. The amazon in contrast is very fast and easily dodges most attacks, has really good reach with her polearm weapons, and her main combo move is pretty easy to execute and makes complete hash of nearly every enemy in the game if you hit them at the right time. So I went from grinding through a really stressful experience to practically clowning the entire game over a few days. If nothing else, I think playing as the barbarian for so long did give me pretty good fundamentals in terms of understanding how the combat system works, and it's genuinely impressive. The characters have a great sense of weight and positioning and timing really matters when you fight (e.g., if you hit a guy on the left, where he's got his shield ready, you're probably just going to hit his shield).

The downside is that the camera is really jittery, especially in tight spaces - this isn't a good game to play if you have a headache because it will likely make it worse. Controls seem a bit glitchy sometimes (I'm talking about the modern gamepad support in the remastered version) and I probably should have switched to keyboard. Maybe it would have made the combos easier to do but I was lazy.
FAR: Lone Sails (courtesy of Lone_Scout from GOG community GA)

This is a very short game, less than 2 hours if you did it in one seat. Some great moments though like the radio station or the tyre or the landwalker. This is more like an interactive post-apocalypse steam punk one man crew ship simulator adventure. The color palette is gorgeous while the puzzle is not really difficult.

Maybe if I used Galaxy I'd be tempted to replay it again to get all the achievements.
Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Edition, Sept 6 (Xbox Game Pass)-Something about it didn't draw me in like 999 and Virtue's Last Reward. I felt like it took a long time to get going. With the first 4 chapters not really exploring much of the mystery of the characters' circumstances and instead mainly dealing with the investigations and trials. Chapters 5 and 6 were really good up until the big exposition by the villain which was a little too over the top. The punishments were also rather ridiculous. I wasn't a big fan of the trial mechanics. I felt like I often knew what the contradiction or lie was but I had no idea which of several given statements would be correct. I also found several of the characters very annoying, namely Hiro, Toko, Hifumi, Kiyotaka, and of course Monokuma. The game did end with quite a few open questions so I'll have to play the next one to see if they are answered.

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I beat Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition on Switch over a week ago while on a business trip + vacation. I've been trying to write a few words about the game here ever since and it has turned out to be the most difficult game to write about for me. Why? Well, it's musou game, more precisely a spin-off of the Dynasty Warriors series and also a cross-over with the Zelda series. I love Hyrule Warriors and I'm still playing it long after beating the "Legend" mode (its story mode) and there's just so much I want to say about the game.

The "Warriors" games are of the "love it or hate it" niche game variety and I'd like to explain in detail why the games are much smarter than it seems. I'd also like to say a lot about the extreme fan service that this game is, bundling together characters, locations and music from the Zelda series' decades-long history. I'd also love to describe in detail how much there is in (and to) this game: dozens of warriors with unique sets of attacks, dozens of arenas, a meta game where you craft badges in a skill tree, loot and customize weapons, craft potions and even collect, dress and feed fairies who then unlock special powers for you to use. Oh, and that besides the story mode there's (among others!) an "Adventure" mode where you travel through worlds stylized as the original Legend of Zelda, offering about a thousand battles which would take hundreds of hours to complete. And most Adventure maps come with special rules and playing this mode allows unlocking additional characters, weapons and the aforementioned fairies (which you can then use in any mode).

So I'll just say this: it's a massive game with a crapload of content. It's an innocent but epic adventure where you mow down thousands of mobs and powerful heroes to power metal versions of legendary themes from the Zelda series. And it's also the most accessible, enjoyable and interesting Warriors game I've played so far. On the surface it's much like any other Warriors game but it's much clearer what to do here and the Zelda stuff adds a lot of diversity - for one, it has more distinct enemy types including giant monster bosses who have different weak spots. And the warriors and their attacks are a lot more diverse than in other Warriors games I've played thanks to the magic and cartoon elements.

I, for one, have enjoyed the hell out of this one and am only starting to grow a bit tired of it after also beating over a hundred battles from the Adventure mode (which only remixes levels from the story mode). I should probably take a break from it at this point but I'm definitely going to play some additional battles and unlock more stuff in the future. And I sure as hell am also going to play the second Hyrule Warriors game, Age of Calamity.

Long story short: if you're going to play only a single Warriors game it should probably be this one (or its sequel which I haven't played yet).
Beaten Doom 1 enhanced for the first time. Yes even the 4th ep which was harder and required a little more save loading.
Guess i can try Doom 2 enhanced now.
Well that was interesting though ep 4 was rather annoying until i figured out how it works with some levels where you require to run on lava to that teleporter.
Also ep3 had one confusing level before the final level.