In Cold Blood
A lesser known game from Revolution Software. It combines stealth, action and puzzle solving. The best thing about this game is that the puzzles are simple, yet logical. You play John Cord, a British agent that was sent to a VolgianMine in order to find a missing agent. Right away the game introduces you to the sneaking mechanic when your mentor Kostov tells you to evade enemies, not shoot at them to reach your goal. Each mission can be harder or easier, depending on your playstyle. I did mess up a few of them and loaded an earlier save because I didn't feel like continuing running through the corridors and shooting my way out. I really liked the detail when I sneaked behind some enemy and he would comment something, be it about no intruders being present, the reactor or who was winning in a football match. The game offered some funny dialogue, even if it was cheesy. The flying robot enemeis were sometimes a challenge and required strategic thinking to overcome them. The controls were sometimes a problem, I ran into walls many times when I was trying to turn for the door and Cord didn't always react to body search because I wasn't standing in the right spot.Through nine connected missions I needed 16 hours to finish the game and was quite pleased. Upon completion of a puzzle, a serene soundtrack starts, signaling your progression, which made me feel that I was doing something meaningful. I did some running around like a fool too,when I didn't know right away what to do next. Too bad the developers never made something like it again, not meaning by that a sequel since the story of this game has a clear end.