Posted October 22, 2021

But then I am just a reader not author.
I'm still trying to solve the problem with Amazon, if I cannot I'll link a itch widget for those who want a drm free copy instead.. That way I can get the money for each transaction and sell a drm free copy at the same time.
Still if you got a Kindle e ink you can still access to the drm free copy, just use the transfer USB function on your account, the problem right now is for people that don't own a kindle since the website do not allow to transfer usb if you don't register a Kindle and you cannot get a drm free copy from mobile and desktop app (at least not officially, you can still disable the KFX support on the desktop app).
So I'll write this on the description of my ebook with the link to a itch widget to buy the game externally and get a drm free copy if it's not possible to get a drm free copy on Amazon for them.
I still wrote to Amazon to solve this problem. Right now their answer where not good at all. Still there is still a possibility that they will solve the problem.
I also want to try to just upload my file instead of make them convert a doc file... The reason for this is that my manga still use the old format and I read that KFX should be compatible with manga. I think the reason for this is that they upload a file converted from epub generated with kindle previewer. I will need to try it in the near future.
As a customer I'll start to use kobo more, but for book with drm there is no real difference, if kobo start to use ADE 3+ instead of 2 the plugin to remove drm will still not be able to remove the drm.
Once each of them fail to remove the drm I'll just stop to buy ebook from both store until there is again a solution to remove the drm.
We will see if that day will come.
Ps. I finally understand why everything changed on the last few weeks.. From 1 August 2021 they don't allow mobi anymore for kindle ebook with a not fixed layout (so Manga that use a fixed layout still got the mobi format that's why I got drm free manga from kindle pc app). It also still download a Mobi file from the transfer USB amazon website and on old e ink device. So I asked to the support the instructions to get my ebook in the static format that accept mobi.
Post edited October 22, 2021 by LiefLayer