SnowSlinger: So far I've been buying books for my ereader on google play, but it requires adobe drm to move them to the ereader or read them on pc. So is there a place to get legit ebooks (and not only underground or old reads) drm-free? I am talking the lord of the rings and other well known books. If not, i might just go back to paper, as then I will truly own them...
There are lots of places. Do you want free stuff, then you have Gutenberg,, plus many others x I have some more on the main machine I will grab later on.
For buying, again there are plenty of stores, depends on what you want. Surprisingly humble bundle occasional do some good book collections if you like 40k or comics. Groupees occasionally as well.
Storybundle is another, As for things like lord of the rings, you would likely need to buy that off one of the main stores, you would need to check each one for drm. Not sure many use drm anymore, obviously excluding the likes of Google and Amazon, but heck they can’t even pay tax.