JudasIscariot: Granted, but the hat takes control of you at inopportune times.
I wish to get an
Emperor Workstation 200.
Detlik: Granted, you will get it at pretty much affordable price, with big discount and such, but it will break as soon as you will touch it and you cant return it.
I wish...for a slice of apple pie. Made of radioactive apples. Which can sing.
Granted, but before you can actually taste this radioactive bit of goodness, the apples start mutating. They grow to a huge size, gain the ability to walk, and go on a city-smashing rampage all to the tune of "I'm Singing in the Rain"
Detlik: Granted, you will get it at pretty much affordable price, with big discount and such, but it will break as soon as you will touch it and you cant return it.
I wish...for a slice of apple pie. Made of radioactive apples. Which can sing.
Shadowsetzer: Granted, but the apple pie melts through the floor while singing 'It's a small world' over and over again, horribly off key.
I wish this thread had never existed. :)
Granted, but then it turns out this thread was one of the things keeping you in this time continuum. With this thread's erasure, you too are erased from existence.
I wish there were less forum ninjas :P
Detlik: Granted, you will get it at pretty much affordable price, with big discount and such, but it will break as soon as you will touch it and you cant return it.
I wish...for a slice of apple pie. Made of radioactive apples. Which can sing.
fursav: Granted but the apples obviously have mouths and will only sing for you if you feed them your fingers.
I am a good ninja and a santa today.
Somebody should grant 3 wishes.
Edit: I ninjad a blue post... Awesome.
I could cheat, you know :P ( I won't of course, because that would be the height of rudeness :D )