Fonzer: I usually played games on hard only, but then i realized that playing on normal can be beaten faster.
dtgreene: That's not always the case. I can't think of any examples off hand, but there are cases where harder settings might not be harder in some respects. One example is if a game gives you more points on harder difficulties, and then awards you extra lives based on score. (One of the minigames in Hodj and Podj (ever heard of that game?) has this quirk.) Another example is if harder difficulties make more enemies spawn, and the game awards experience based on enemies killed, leading to more level ups (Wizardry 7 comes to mind here). Then there are just wierd cases, like Cirno's first card in Touhou 6; it is, to my understanding, easier on Hard than on Normal (note that this spell card is famous for being trivial on Easy).
Oh yeah touhou 6 found that Cirno on hard was rather easier and some other bosses but those small enemies felt kinda harder so i never beat it properly. Never did play wizardry 7 or heard of Hodj and Podj.
Sure i do play some games on hard if they have something to reward you for it.
Like different endings, one is in vampires dawn 2 which you get the best ending i believe if you play evil on hard,each ending depends on difficulty and being good or evil.
Also beating the first halo on legendary gave you some extra ending i believe.