zeroxxx: I don't know, but if you are worried about cost, you should
1. Get cheaper games.
2. Use the excess money to get a better connection.
What's the use of buying more expensive games but as a result you can't even download the games? Doesn't seem logical.
Also, there's a service of digital copy downloads. Only pay like... 10.000 rupiah or less for each DVD.40.000 is too much, perhaps blatant rip-off.
I don't mind if anyone think my way of buying game is not logical. I have my own way to buy a game, and I also have my own reason about my interned need. Okay ? I don't care how you buy a game and how good your internet connection is.
My problem is with titanic sized download (above 6 GB), not the price as many game sales really reduce the price to a really affordable level. I even got Witcher 2 for free here in GOG.
A digital copy download service ? alright, tell me where I could find that kind of service in Surabaya ? I don't have time to search that kind of service in my daily life. It is easier for me to download with my current internet connection.
zeroxxx: And "Sometimes I thought of : "It is better if I use this amount of money for charity". " implies donating is a better way to spend the money, which in fact it's not. Donating is out of your good will, not a reason to avoid something. If donating as a reason to avoid something, that donation isn't honest anymore.
It's not even an assumption, your wording was too ambiguous.
Here is the thing : If I never write anything
explicitly about "charity being a responsibility and if not doing it is a sin", and you said that I implies that, it is an assumption.
And I write "It is better if I use this amount of money for charity" because it is in my experience.
Which part of you doesn't understand that
it was a suggestion for OP's, which has impulsive buying behavior, and I tried to give him a suggestion based on my personal experience ? it is my personal experience as a suggestion of a solution for him -like any other here who shared their own experience. He already replied my post and he said excellent idea with he provided his way of doing charity.
And about charity I think the cause doesn't decide whether it is a honest charity or not. It is like this :
Someone want to spend money on something which is his
tertiary need (expensive camera, bike accessories, games, etc), and in the middle of the way he decided to use the money for someone who need it. After that, he gave the money for a charity organization of his choice.
What is wrong with that simple scenario ? It is a simple reallocation of someone who own money.
Was that not out of good will ? was that not a honest charity ? was he avoiding to buy his tertiary need ? of course not.
Also it is kind of strange to said "Don't do charity because you avoid to buy a game". Buying a game is not even a responsibility. Does avoid to buy a game is wrong ? in OP's caes with his shopaholic problem is not wrong. It is a desired behavior for him.
And also, for me, game is a tertiary need, I don't know about you though.
I apologize if my writing is ambiguous, but can we stop here ? This a thread for self and community help for anyone who has problem with impulsive buying a game behavior -especially for OP's problem. I don't want to argue anymore and cluttering this thread with our own discussion about my way of buying and downloading game or about a honest way in doing charity.
I hope you have a nice day.