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noncompliantgame: I think I might have chimed in on this thread before (or similar). My method, which seems to work, is to just set a very low price for games I think I might like to buy and stick to it. It also helps if you have a huge backlog of games you haven't played yet. Anyways, I hope that helps at least a few individuals out there in cyberland struggling with this particular vice. :-)
vicklemos: Great Gogmix. I like it!
But didn't get the whole 0.99 cents deal; care to elaborate a little more on this one?
noncompliantgame: ... My method, which seems to work, is to just set a very low price for games I think I might like to buy and stick to it ...
Nvm... I fucked up again :/
Post edited June 15, 2015 by blotunga
zeroxxx: I don't know, but if you are worried about cost, you should

1. Get cheaper games.
2. Use the excess money to get a better connection.

What's the use of buying more expensive games but as a result you can't even download the games? Doesn't seem logical.

Also, there's a service of digital copy downloads. Only pay like... 10.000 rupiah or less for each DVD.40.000 is too much, perhaps blatant rip-off.
I don't mind if anyone think my way of buying game is not logical. I have my own way to buy a game, and I also have my own reason about my interned need. Okay ? I don't care how you buy a game and how good your internet connection is.

My problem is with titanic sized download (above 6 GB), not the price as many game sales really reduce the price to a really affordable level. I even got Witcher 2 for free here in GOG.

A digital copy download service ? alright, tell me where I could find that kind of service in Surabaya ? I don't have time to search that kind of service in my daily life. It is easier for me to download with my current internet connection.

zeroxxx: And "Sometimes I thought of : "It is better if I use this amount of money for charity". " implies donating is a better way to spend the money, which in fact it's not. Donating is out of your good will, not a reason to avoid something. If donating as a reason to avoid something, that donation isn't honest anymore.

It's not even an assumption, your wording was too ambiguous.
Here is the thing : If I never write anything explicitly about "charity being a responsibility and if not doing it is a sin", and you said that I implies that, it is an assumption.

And I write "It is better if I use this amount of money for charity" because it is in my experience.

Which part of you doesn't understand that it was a suggestion for OP's, which has impulsive buying behavior, and I tried to give him a suggestion based on my personal experience ? it is my personal experience as a suggestion of a solution for him -like any other here who shared their own experience. He already replied my post and he said excellent idea with he provided his way of doing charity.

And about charity I think the cause doesn't decide whether it is a honest charity or not. It is like this :

Someone want to spend money on something which is his tertiary need (expensive camera, bike accessories, games, etc), and in the middle of the way he decided to use the money for someone who need it. After that, he gave the money for a charity organization of his choice.

What is wrong with that simple scenario ? It is a simple reallocation of someone who own money.
Was that not out of good will ? was that not a honest charity ? was he avoiding to buy his tertiary need ? of course not.

Also it is kind of strange to said "Don't do charity because you avoid to buy a game". Buying a game is not even a responsibility. Does avoid to buy a game is wrong ? in OP's caes with his shopaholic problem is not wrong. It is a desired behavior for him.

And also, for me, game is a tertiary need, I don't know about you though.

I apologize if my writing is ambiguous, but can we stop here ? This a thread for self and community help for anyone who has problem with impulsive buying a game behavior -especially for OP's problem. I don't want to argue anymore and cluttering this thread with our own discussion about my way of buying and downloading game or about a honest way in doing charity.

I hope you have a nice day.
While I haven't 'given up games' or 'stopped buying', I've definitely reduced the amount significantly. Especially in regards to physical purchases.

I used to buy every damn thing I could, from kickstarters to limited editions, until it came to the point where I realised that none of this shit was actually making me happy anymore and I had become a lot more materialistic than I ever wanted/intended.
I always had this feeling that I 'needed' to have the 'collectors' edition to feel like I had the 'real' edition. That I wasn't a 'real fan' otherwise and that I was missing out.
It really was bad for me, not only for my wallet, but also for my general happiness.

So I made the conscious decision to not let material things bother me as much, or to purchase things that I really didn't have much attachment to. I still buy some things if it really is something I want, or perhaps if it's from a series I love, but generally I don't buy anywhere near as much. And I also wouldn't buy something over $100 now, at least not often, unlike before. :p

Overall, I actually feel a lot happier, and it feels like a load has been lifted from my chest. It's amazing what a difference such a seemingly small and trivial thing can make!
Resisted FF13 for now. It's 50% off at Steam. It's another one of the games I want to play one day but realistically won't get to any time soon.

Kerchatin: Overall, I actually feel a lot happier
So maybe change that "is depressed" near your name ? :)
Bought BG EE on Google Play. It was on my wish list, and on sale, so couldn't resist. Not enough space on my tablet to install it though.
Post edited June 17, 2015 by ET3D
I'm pretty proud of myself, I haven't bought a single game in the summer sale yet. Although not buying Zak McKracken took a lot of willpower. It's one of the first games I remember playing, so the itch to give it a go once more after all these years is pretty strong. But maybe soon, when I'm hopefully finally getting my financial situation back on track (*fingers crossed*) I'll even buy it full price.
Haven't bought any game since March 10, 2015. Even declined a gift in Steam. I'm not proud of myself, just feeling empty and alone without my ever growing mass of games. I know for sure that I will buy Shadowrun: Hong-Kong if it appears here on GOG, because I have to play this game. Pre-order from Steam was tempting but it's easy to resist before it's released.
Post edited June 17, 2015 by Cadaver747
This might help some of us!
Has been three months since I bought any game.

No relapses yet. phew
Well done all of you who haven't bought a game for a while.

misteryo: This might help some of us!
"Play what you bought in the Winter Sale, and haven't touched yet, for free". So right.
All sales are back, oh snap... brace yourself for impact. Reduce ballast, throw everything overboard, women & children first!

Thanks to having kicked almost everything off my wishlist, I should be in the clear but it's not over yet. I don't dare to make a final sales damage assessment just yet, there's still danger I'll buy something that I haven't wishlisted any longer.

It was really hard to kick Door Kickers off my wishlist but I convinced myself that I probably won't like it even though it has such massive positive reviews everywhere. Surely it's a very cool game but I doubt I really need this.

Escape Goat 2 and Grim Fandango are on sale but not seductively deep enough so no threat there at the moment, especially since I would have to buy both games twice which means a 50% discount is a 0% discount according to my self-imposed rules.
Post edited June 19, 2015 by awalterj
awalterj: All sales are back, oh snap... brace yourself for impact. Reduce ballast, throw everything overboard, women & children first!

Thanks to having kicked almost everything off my wishlist, I should be in the clear but it's not over yet. I don't dare to make a final sales damage assessment just yet, there's still danger I'll buy something that I haven't wishlisted any longer.

It was really hard to kick Door Kickers off my wishlist but I convinced myself that I probably won't like it even though it has such massive positive reviews everywhere. Surely it's a very cool game but I doubt I really need this.

Escape Goat 2 and Grim Fandango are on sale but not seductively deep enough so no threat there at the moment, especially since I would have to buy both games twice which means a 50% discount is a 0% discount according to my self-imposed rules.
I feel I spend more time struggling over sales than actually playing the games bought. Half the year has already gone and I haven't finish a single game yet!!!
I may have gone a little overboard in this sale...

159 games, including one that wasn't even on sale. After finishing The Cat Lady I had to get Downfall too.

Where do I sign up?
I failed .