agylardi: Hmm. Well, do that private donations then. It's all up to you. I am just suggesting you spend to a charity if you have urge to buy games impulsively again. It helped me before, that is why I suggested it to you. Doesn't matter where you donate the money -well of course to something that you trust and make you comfortable to donate there.
Good luck.
As I said before, I think charity is a very good thing, essential even. So your idea is that if I can't reduce the damage to my own finances, I might as well divert the -benefit- to others which surely makes more sense then amassing more unplayed backlog that just sits around and benefits no one, including myself. Shifting the expenses to charity still doesn't fix the purchasing addiction though, it just diverts the flow.
Anyway, regarding charity I'm probably too selfish and nihilistic to partake. When I make gifts here, it's either part of this self-therapy method or because I think someone I'm on friendly terms with would enjoy a game and I want to make them happy. And because giving feels good (according to my theory, 100% of all people are in essence selfish so I shouldn't go around calling myself selfish, that will get misunderstood. Ah well, too late :D ).
Sometimes I make giveaways because I would like to bring attention to an underappreciated game or in the case of indie games help the developer so they'll make more games in the future which then again makes me happy. I don't really do anything for charity reasons though even if I believe charity is a noble thing. Also, I'm very suspicious of many charity organizations and I would have to carefully vet them before donating anything at all, checking to see how much overhead expense they have etc. Not as an excuse but because I have traveled a lot and seen a lot of scams and same as every halfway sane person I don't like to get scammed.
The most pure thing is still to do Good Samaritan deeds yourself, not just tossing money. There's always someone whom you can help, you don't have to send money to Africa or wherever to do charity. One could volunteer at a local retiree/disabled people center, so many things one can personally do without involving organizations and without using money. I do little deeds here and there, small things when there is an opportunity and at the moment that's all I find to be within my capabilities.
I must also add that due to preferring pragmatic rationality, I have zero religious beliefs so I don't believe in a divine duty for charity or rewards for it in a supposed afterlife. Charity for religious belief in later rewards is no noble reason at all imho, seems rather selfish. Although a charitable act where nothing is expected from the receiver is still good, regardless of the motivation.
zeroxxx: And "Sometimes I thought of : "It is better if I use this amount of money for charity". " implies donating is a better way to spend the money, which in fact it's not. Donating is out of your good will, not a reason to avoid something. If donating as a reason to avoid something, that donation isn't honest anymore.
I think both agylardi and you are right:
agylardi is right in that donating the money is a better way to spend it -if- is spent anyway. As I pointed out in my reply to agylardi there is a benefit to the receiver of charity whereas if I buy games that only sit around as backlog, that money didn't create any benefit at all.
However, you are also right because spending the money on charity does not take care of the addiction problem, it just gives it another outlet - people might even become addicted to gifting and that is equally or more harmful to finances.
You're also right about charity for the sake of avoidance not being honest which is why I make it obvious that my self-penalty extra gift copy giveaways are -not- charity and for the most part therapy related and for the fun I derive out of hosting a giveaway. I make no secret about that which means that there is no conflict with honesty in my case, I'm quite open about my motivations and blabber a lot about what I do and why I do or don't do things.
I do agree with you that charity for the sake of tax evasion is dishonest but if one is pragmatic I don't see that dishonesty as a problem as long as miserable people in need of charity get what they desperately need. I don't even mind when celebrities prance around bragging about their charities, if that gets normal people to sheepishly imitate their idols and give charity too then it's ok. Bread on the table is bread on the table.
Fantasysci5: I'm usually good at not buying games full price, unless it's something I've been eagerly awaiting. I won't buy games for months, but sales are my undoing. I have this thought, "it'll never be this low again!" Bought 10 games for $30 yesterday, and I still have 6 more sale days (on steam) to go. -_-
Sounds like you are a milder case of addict but you're an addict nonetheless so welcome to this group! We all suffer at different levels of the same Hell :)
Thanks for your very honest post, much appreciated!
One of my teachers used to say "if less is more, you have to do more with less" and I think that is very relevant to purchasing games because buying less games can mean more happiness if you are playing and actually enjoying those fewer games more than the masses of games you'd buy in uncontrolled purchasing mode.
Fesin: I'm pretty proud of myself, I haven't bought a single game in the summer sale yet. Although not buying Zak McKracken took a lot of willpower. It's one of the first games I remember playing, so the itch to give it a go once more after all these years is pretty strong. But maybe soon, when I'm hopefully finally getting my financial situation back on track (*fingers crossed*) I'll even buy it full price.
Same here, I almost bought it because I haven't played the game in ages. It was one of my very first adventures games as well. Fortunately, it was in a bundle and I dislike buying bundles so it wasn't hard to resist. It's rare that I want a whole bundle, in this sale the only one I would have bought 100% was the Retroventure one but I already played and finished all the games in that bundle so no danger there.
Cadaver747: Haven't bought any game since March 10, 2015. Even declined a gift in Steam. I'm not proud of myself, just feeling empty and alone without my ever growing mass of games. I know for sure that I will buy Shadowrun: Hong-Kong if it appears here on GOG, because I have to play this game. Pre-order from Steam was tempting but it's easy to resist before it's released.
You might be empty but you're not alone! Ok, you
are alone but we are all alone together so it could be worse :)
:O Some of those fellows appear to be beyond help. This goes to show that there is no limit and thinking "ok I'll just quickly buy everything I need and be over with it" is denial at its best. It never ends, unless we put a stop to it or at least shift gears. And for that, we need therapy. This therapy!
Gnostic: I feel I spend more time struggling over sales than actually playing the games bought. Half the year has already gone and I haven't finish a single game yet!!!
Ditto, very much ditto in fact...
If I spent all the time checking sales and fiddling around with my wishlist on playing then that would surely amount to at least one additional medium length game finished. I'm making improvements though, my wishlist hasn't been so small ever (currently 7 on GOG, 5 on Steam) and I don't plan on adding anything unless absolutely necessary. No casually adding stuff even if it's a high priority game. I must realize that I need nothing, zero games, so might as well pick the ones I intuitively assume will be most fun and not the ones I hear are great games. I have played games that were applauded as absolute 5 star games and I didn't enjoy them the least bit.
PS: I knew you as a regular but I didn't know it was quite that serious, half the year is over and not one game completed is quite extreme even if you're super busy with work. Can you not pick one game that is most fun to you and focus on just that one? I can sympathize though, I have 248 games here and 60 on Steam as well as some physical copy games and some freeware and abandonware games and right at this moment can't think of a single game I really want to continue or start to play. Dozens and dozens of games installed in various stages of progress, most of them adventure and strategy games.