tinyE: This may be a really stupd question but I'm a little vague on the terms. Is Metroidvania a combination of Metroid and Castlevania?
TwilightBard: Metroidvania is generally a term given to platformers with large worlds instead of stages. Sort of like, well, any Metroid game, and most Castlevania games after Symphony of the Night (There are a few exceptions to the Castlevania part here and there). More emphasis on exploration, acquiring upgrades, and sometimes a moderate level-up system (Not required though, as Metroid still doesn't possess one)
Can you elaborate some more on Symphony of the Night? Should I give it a try and how much do you recommend it?
Dice5: I am big sucker for Metroidvanias and Rouge-likes, I thought I'd start a topic here to ask you guys to introduce me to some cool games in these genres. So far these are the games that are taking most of my time I spend on these genres:
La Mulana
Cave Story (CS, CS+)
The Binding of Issac
FTL: Faster Than Light
Red Rouge
I would be glad if you can give me new suggestions on what I should give try and play. Oh and I only play on PC so no console games.
fortune_p_dawg: Yup, these are my genre's of choice as well. I recommend Treasure Adventure Game which just so happens to be free on GOG, and is a fantastic metroidvania game.
As for roguelikes, I cannot recommend Brogue enough, which is also free.
tinyE: This may be a really stupd question but I'm a little vague on the terms. Is Metroidvania a combination of Metroid and Castlevania?
fortune_p_dawg: Yes, the term actually came about due to Castlevania Symphony of the Night's Metroid-style level/zone design. Though to me, I thought of it as more of a side scrolling action-RPG.
Ah yes, i forgot to mention Treasure Adventure Game in the list. *FIXED
and as for brouge it sure looks interesting. I will give it a try.