rambo919: So you think it's only the cost that keeps people from randomly killing other people?
UnashamedWeeb: Not quite, please reread what I said:
You do know one act takes a significant amount of resources, planning, physical work, and very illegal, and above all else is morally wrong, right? While the other is normal, completely harmless, and requires 5 mins of time?
UnashamedWeeb: When you are doing that comparison you are basically as far as I can tell implying that murder is less frequent than it would otherwise be because it's so difficult to do. So if a situation were to occur where it's easy to do, with no legal consequence and no one morally condemns it.... it would happen more often the same way that masturbation does.
You might need to rethink that particular comparison.
Whether either of these compared examples is harmful or easy is irrelevant to the question. The question is... does the same level of exposure ensure both results equally? Because if the power level was the same would the effect not be the same?
UnashamedWeeb: It doesn't because it's just scantily clad models posing. It's hardly stimulating. Do you also get hard at women's magazines with a photoshopped fashion model on its covers at the cash registers too? Because this is effectively the same thing.
On one hand, just because you for whatever reason have become so desensitized that such provocation does nothing to arouse you... does not mean the same is true for everyone else.
On the other hand, the nudity of these advertisements are specifically crafted to arouse... otherwise they would be pointless.
And then thirdly you seem like you are under the rich man's assumption when he meets a beggar. The rich man scolds the beggar for not having a job... without realizing that the beggar has fallen so low he is incapable of holding one even if he got one because the employment standards are so high. If your stomach is full you wont be tempted by food advertisements, if you are starving you will be likely to break into a store to steal food.... thus if your sexual apatite is satisfied in whatever way you won't be destabilized by a woman in a tight dress.... and you most likely wont be playing a game in which sex is a priority.
On the other hand, knowing nothing about you, it's also possible that you became desensitized because of over-stimulation and you need open porn to get any reaction.
And to return to my comparison question in a different way.... which is easier: going a full year without any kind of sex or without killing anyone? Can media exposure make you more likely to more frequently engage in sexual activity or does it have no effect? Can media exposure make you more likely to commit violence or does it have no effect?
Which is easier with visual media exposure, instigating sexual activity or instigating murder?
Which graphic exposure is most powerful in exiting a response that otherwise would not have happened?
If you are exposed to swearing does it make you swear more or have no effect?
Is there not obvious false equivalence that because one is weak the other is also?
rambo919: So you are offended because you think someone else is offended... and you are so offended you cant help yourself from trying to shout them all down....
Seems like a rather silly thing to do but hey you do you.
foad01: I am not offended. LOL.
Let me try to explain it differently. I think these outrage threads are ridiculous. The discussions are pointless because they have no result. It is just two groups fighting.
If people came here and simply say without a huge drama that they need a filter option and ask to support this
wishlist entry you would see lots of agreement. GOG should implement these filters. They are really necessary.
Well you certainly react as if you are offended. If these threads are so ridiculous.... why engage with them at all unless you are trying to stop them happening? Not that I can see how any kind of bullying or social shaming will have that desired outcome...
rambo919: If something is nonsense it should be easy to give a simple refutation without resorting to such fabulous deflection attempts.
foad01: I said it before. The discussions in older threads have no results. I simply don't play your game here because it will result in nothingness again. It is a dead end.
It's the Socratic Method mate.... not some kind of game.