Orkhepaj: hmm probably anything other than give ai unlimited resources like most strategy games do
it completely ruins the games cause it removes nearly all strategies and only turtling remains, why hit enemy economy when they get everything for free anyway
What about giving the *player* infinite resources on the lowest difficulty?
(The SaGa 3 remake, while a different genre, basically does this.)
rtcvb32: Better armor - Many monsters/enemies may not have armor at all, armor can be very light like pressed paper, to leather, to going to bulletproof, etc. Naturally this should affect their inventory layout as well as vehicle values when scrapping. (
Yes i said paper armor, a while back they did tests and paper did okay vs swords/knives but not against arrows i believe, so it offers partial protection)
I would prefer raising enemy health over raising enemy armor.
Raising enemy armor can have the result of some strategies that are balanced for a lower difficulty being useless on a higher difficulty.
(The following example uses Attack - Defense as the damage formula.)
For example, consider two weapons:
* Weapon A has 5 attacks, but hits 6 times.
* Weapon B has 15 attacks, but hits only once.
If the enemy has 3 defense, then:
* Weapon A does (5 - 3) * 6 = 2 * 6 = 12 damage
* Weapon B does 15 - 3 = 12 damage
So, these weapons do equally well against this type of enemy. (Note that A is stronger against lower defense enemies, and B against higher defense enemies, so there's a trade-off there.)
Now, suppose higher difficulty doubles enemy defense, so the same enemy now has 6 defense. Then:
* Weapon A fails to do damage at all, making it useless here.
* Weapon B still manages to do 9 damage, so 75% of what it does normally.
This sort of difference is fine if we're looking at different enemies on the same difficulty, as it ensures that the same weapon isn't always optimal, but when we have the difficulty changing enemy defense, we find that some things become useless on higher difficulties, limiting the strategic options.
rtcvb32: More HP/MP - While they may be tougher this is a cheap one, and should only be given to say bosses or a marginal increase. So most enemies get +10% while bosses get +30% HP/MP. Not so much they become bullet sponges, but may affect 2-3 extra hits in a heavy battle.
When it comes to HP, increasing it can make random encounters more interesting. Some enemies might die too fast to do anything interesting on easy difficulty, but on hard difficulty suddenly you can't just kill them before they can unleash their most powerful spells.
Enemy MP doesn't usually matter, as unlike players, enemies generally don't last long enough to run out of MP. (Some games don't even track enemy MP in the first place.)