"That Christmas stocking is absolutely gorgeous!" I could not contain my joy at seeing what my Arctic companion had knitted in such short notice.
"Hoo! Hoo! Thank hoo very much!" Puffy Face bobbed his adorable owl head, clearly pleased with himself. "I think the stocking is big enough for your giftee's games."
"It's big enough for some extras too, like Christmas biscuits and a bottle of something festive," I wink to my feathery friend. "I really love the details you put into that stocking you made. Like the way you knitted a wool ribbon at the top and even added a partial scarf dangling to the side. The yarn you used is top quality too. A vivid and fun tone of red. Wait..., is that your face I see knitted at the centre of the Christmas stocking?"
"It's my signature," Puffy Face says to me with much pride in his hoot. If owls could blush, they'd have an army of feathers to conceal it.
"Well, let's stuff that Christmas sock!" I grab my giftee's games from the workshop table and begin to delicately slide them into the stocking, along with the promised cookies and festive drink. Then I tie the Christmas stocking to Puffy Face's belly using the built-in ribbon. I'd rather my feathery friend not use his razor-sharp claws to carry this elegant sock for fear of inadvertently shredding it to bits.
"Ready to fly off to our gracious host and delivery these goodies?" I ask.
"You bet!" hooted the owl.
"You got a long flight ahead of you, but I know you'll meet our deadline," I peck a kiss on Puffy Face's pillowy head. "Have a safe journey! And, please, do not eat the biscuits..."
I draw open the window. With speed and grace, my feathery Arctic buddy swooped outside and took flight, sailing the snowy winds with ease, heading in the direction of our gracious host.
I watch Puffy Face disappear into the white sky. I stand at my workshop window for a while longer, enjoying the
festive bard music playing outside, as the wintery town celebrates the arrival of Christmas.