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I finished my purchase yesterday night. The thing is that I ran into some trouble, because: A) my giftee, as myself, doesn't have many games in the wishlist, B) some of them are expansions, for which a message was saying that I couldn't purchase, as I didn't owned the main game (is that correct?), and C) regional pricing made some of the games more expensive (so I was exceeding my limit), but this was showing only when I was trying to make the purchase, not while on that game's page! If a game's final price was showing in that game's page, it would make things much clearer.

OK, excuse me, it was the first time for me! I was trying different combinations of games and something eventually worked.
high rated
CarChris: B) some of them are expansions, for which a message was saying that I couldn't purchase, as I didn't owned the main game (is that correct?)
This restriction disappears if you click the gift checkbox.

CarChris: C) regional pricing made some of the games more expensive (so I was exceeding my limit), but this was showing only when I was trying to make the purchase, not while on that game's page! If a game's final price was showing in that game's page, it would make things much clearer.
If you use the Adalia Fundamentals browser add-on, it shows both your local price and the US (gift) price on the game page.
Post edited December 19, 2023 by mrkgnao
Gifts delivered to our gracious host.
❄ ❄ ❄ The presents are already in Santa's sleigh. Forward, reindeers, forward! ❄ ❄ ❄
KillingMoon: 🌔 🌔 🌔 The presents are already in Santa's sleigh. Forward, reindeers, forward! 🌔 🌔 🌔
Hey Moon! Thanks for being nice on the longest night. May your Yin ☯ be strong and help this planet.🌎 🌍 🌏 High Tide!
CarChris: B) some of them are expansions, for which a message was saying that I couldn't purchase, as I didn't owned the main game (is that correct?)
mrkgnao: This restriction disappears if you click the gift checkbox.
Oh! Although I clicked the gift checkbox, the expansion remained in a yellowed box (something like a warning-thing). That's why I didn't dare to proceed with the purchase (to avoid any mistakes) and, instead, I chose something else.
mrkgnao: This restriction disappears if you click the gift checkbox.
CarChris: Oh! Although I clicked the gift checkbox, the expansion remained in a yellowed box (something like a warning-thing). That's why I didn't dare to proceed with the purchase (to avoid any mistakes) and, instead, I chose something else.
Yes. GOG has a bug. They forget to remove the yellow background when removing the restriction. But it's just a cosmetic thing.
high rated
You Santas are fast :-) About half of the gifts are already stored in my shed - Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen (team RED) are guarding those already, while Comet, Cupid, Dunder and Blixem (team BLUE) are patiently waiting for the other half till the end of this week :) Rudolph (Lead) is in charge, of course, so you don't have to worry about anyone stealing them :-)

I took a sneak peek at the wishes attached to the gifts and all I can say is: you, dear GOG Santas, are just awesome! And Rudolph is whispering to my ear right now that initial reports say: you've all been very good GOGers this year!
Special note to my Secret Santa

Our wonderful and patient host will get in touch with you regarding my wishlist.
I apologise for the delay, and hope that I did well in my attempt to accommodate your budget.
And remember, any one single item will make the most lovely gift.
Post edited December 20, 2023 by HypersomniacLive
I want to publicly say that "Doc, you were right. It is the taking part that counts". I'm feeling happy that I've even bought something for someone! As when I buy chocolates for my nieces, kinda thing! (I'm gonna see them at Christmas...).
Thank you again. I wish I'll be financially OK (or, even, better) next year too!
high rated
"Hoo! Hoo!"

A white Arctic owl lands at my workshop window. It claws at the glass. Curious, I unlock the window latch and open wide, letting the wind and snow blow a little chaos into my Christmas workshop.

"They are singing songs about you across the North Pole!" the Arctic owl tells me. "Songs about you being the slowest of Santas..."

I give my wide-eyed messenger friend a paused stare. I could never quite decifer its hooty tone of voice: were those words of judgement or of praise? In either case, it mattered little. Its adorably round face of feathered puffiness always stole my heart.

"Come in! Look! I was just in the middle of wrapping my giftee's presents," I head back towards my workshop table, to find that the owl had already swooped past me and was now perched on a Christmas basket in the centre of the table.

"What's taking me so long, is that I can't decide how to wrap my giftee's presents," I explain to the adorable puffy feather face. "At first, I was thinking a repurposed cookie tin decorated in ribbons and bows might do the trick. But, if my giftee were to rattle the tin, it would create such a racket."

"Hoo! Hoo!" hooted the Arctic messenger. "A Christmas racket! Such fun!"

"Then, I changed my mind and thought, I could package up the gifted games in beautiful wrapping paper," I continue my tale. "But, odd as it seems, the gifts that fit snuggly inside the cookie tin, require many kilometres of wrapping paper to hold their awkward shape. And I happen to be short of one kilometre!"

"Hoo! Hoo!" hooted Puffy Face. "Clawing at wrapping paper to reveal a gift is so much fun!"

As the wind and snow continued to blow their chaos into my workshop, the Arctic owl had a suggestion: "What about a Christmas stocking?"

"I love it!" I perked at the idea. "But, I can't knit."

"I can!" hooted Puffy Face. "Indeed, I can!"

Just like that, the owl pulled some colourful yarn and knitting needles from under its feathery wings.

"Will we be able to knit a Christmas stocking in time for delivery to our gracious host?" I asked.

"You bet!" Puffy Face bobbed with joy. "Hoo! Hoo!"
Gifts are wrapped and sent to Santa. Now I can only wait for Christmas. :-)
Reindeers are better than people... sang Official Santa... guarding and caring for his horde of beautiful beasts...
Ooohh I love my Darlings! Who`s first for carrot? sugar cane? hug? You know I couldn`t live without you...
Knock, knock, door to Stable slowly opened,... We are from Rightforms Inc. We came to check if you employing reindeers appropriately.
- Excuse me? I would give my heart for them, raw and pumping... what`s the thing?...
- Yh! Leave him alone!...screamed one of the Elves...he is a great carer...
- Please understand us, you can`t use reindeers the way you do this...
- Let me explain to you Mr Tall... said one of the drunken Dwarves.... how is it works here... you see these eight beasts?
- four...eight...yes... we do... and these are...
- wa...wa..wa...wait! these are not all!
- not all?
- nope! there is more...listen...Santa has it all...
- reindeers ?
- you see, it wasn't too hard to say... and yes.... each of them comes from the family...there is Rudolph Reindeer Family and all of them are named Rudolph! even Females!
- in that case we...
- in that case, you need something to drink and you stay overnight... This is Canada Eh! Tonight we partying here! ^ started to play ♪
...and here I thought I could finally rest after a hectic week at work and was also finished with packing gifts...

Nope. I had this one and one physical one. Somehow I managed to wrap'em both and sneak them in under the tree right before family dinner (thankfully it's not as eventful as Griswold's annual Christmas dinner). Now all I can wait and see if any of recipients likes my gift(s). I'll take any smile on anyone's faces any day.

Good day and god night everyone! XD
high rated
"That Christmas stocking is absolutely gorgeous!" I could not contain my joy at seeing what my Arctic companion had knitted in such short notice.

"Hoo! Hoo! Thank hoo very much!" Puffy Face bobbed his adorable owl head, clearly pleased with himself. "I think the stocking is big enough for your giftee's games."

"It's big enough for some extras too, like Christmas biscuits and a bottle of something festive," I wink to my feathery friend. "I really love the details you put into that stocking you made. Like the way you knitted a wool ribbon at the top and even added a partial scarf dangling to the side. The yarn you used is top quality too. A vivid and fun tone of red. Wait..., is that your face I see knitted at the centre of the Christmas stocking?"

"It's my signature," Puffy Face says to me with much pride in his hoot. If owls could blush, they'd have an army of feathers to conceal it.

"Well, let's stuff that Christmas sock!" I grab my giftee's games from the workshop table and begin to delicately slide them into the stocking, along with the promised cookies and festive drink. Then I tie the Christmas stocking to Puffy Face's belly using the built-in ribbon. I'd rather my feathery friend not use his razor-sharp claws to carry this elegant sock for fear of inadvertently shredding it to bits.

"Ready to fly off to our gracious host and delivery these goodies?" I ask.

"You bet!" hooted the owl.

"You got a long flight ahead of you, but I know you'll meet our deadline," I peck a kiss on Puffy Face's pillowy head. "Have a safe journey! And, please, do not eat the biscuits..."

I draw open the window. With speed and grace, my feathery Arctic buddy swooped outside and took flight, sailing the snowy winds with ease, heading in the direction of our gracious host.

I watch Puffy Face disappear into the white sky. I stand at my workshop window for a while longer, enjoying the festive bard music playing outside, as the wintery town celebrates the arrival of Christmas.