kenharkey7: I'll keep it short and sweet. Steam/epic/ etc etc have been frustrating me and I feel like gog deserves my money more than they do.
timppu: Not that I necessarily disagree but if I may ask, why do those other sites frustrate you?
Just asking because I have academic interest in why people prefer I'm gathering statistics about this, asking all the people on the world that same question, one by one.
You happen to be the first one I've asked, so according to my current statistics, 100% of the people are frustrated by Steam/epic/battle/etc.
Most of the frustration comes with the exclusivity, of needing 50 launchers cause everyone and their aunt wants you to use theirs. Other frustrations include valve not doing anything while their store fills up with garbage, and epic making this huge push to get people to use their launcher but offering something lackluster at best in return. I see what gog is trying to do with galaxy 2.0, that the games I purchase are mine and it makes you wonder what the other guy's malfunction is.