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Both - Because horror games are HILARIOUS!
In for both.

One thing that scares me a lot: Death.
fr33kSh0w2012: Both - Because horror games are HILARIOUS!
Sometimes they can be....but sometimes the jump scares/tension still get to me. o.0

Also yer entered...GL. :)

PhilD: One thing that scares me a lot: Death.
This bothers me as well....although I more or less have come to terms with it(it bothers me sometimes to think about it, though).

PhilD: In for both.
Yer all set and entered, pal....good luck to ya. :)
Post edited April 11, 2020 by GameRager
GR, Thank you for the gracious offer & considering my entries into the selection for both Barrow Hill games & the runner-up category.
Frankly, I've been through & overcome much, beside my particular vocations, avocations, exposures, & interests even from an early age, my philosophy of acceptance, understanding, respect, & virtue along with intrigue that I've seemingly no scares or fears. Although, from an early age I have appreciated horror, macabre, science & social speculation, dystopia, yet I still appreciate a suspenseful atmosphere along with getting & giving a harmless jump of surprise. Seriously, from my youth I was already fascinated by all matters with environment, anthropology, archaeology, medicine, psychology, exo-biology, reading HP Lovecraft, grisly pulp tales, esoteric films, viewing rather repulsive graphic art only to know it was there & somehow another human created it from their abstract mind, also realizing the extremes of human nature to create, nurture, destroy, restore, ... Whether terrestrial, supernatural, paranormal, infinitesimal to infinite, even extra-terrestrial would engender intrigue rather than fear; I'd always hoped that any visitors to Earth would have a good sense of humor because that sure helps us to understand, relate, bridge, & get by with each other & situations. I know, sounds jaded, but I'm still reserving a sense of wonder, boundless optimism, hope, ...; I'm also aware that contemporary youth are vastly exposed to various media & ideas too, such an extent that they would be very difficult to scare since, beside R L Stine et al, now I'm aware of animation or a cartoon about HP Lovecraft's Necronomicon, even where the author himself depicted as a character, but derived from a graphic novel. With all this to say, I still appreciate the imagination & craft that goes into creating these "video games" (seem to have transcended such a description don't you agree?) we all enjoy. Continuing the journey.
Also, I lub kittehs too.
Not in but one thing that really scares me is cockroaches. It just freaks me out when they scurry around aimlessly and even worse when they fly around aimlessly.
Genocide2099: Not in but one thing that really scares me is cockroaches. It just freaks me out when they scurry around aimlessly and even worse when they fly around aimlessly.
Insects more often fascinate me. Cockroaches among those that cause some revulsion. In the whole scheme of things they have their sense of place & purpose but not around me or my place.
Melvinica: I'm really afraid of trolls. They look scary :

Not in.
That's good stuff. Trolls prolly want those bugs to leave them alone.
rjbuffchix: Nice, man!! These games look interesting.

In for both.

As for your question, what is one thing that scares me a lot, that's easy...mandatory Galaxy DRM! But if you prefer a more serious (though I am seriously against DRM) "non-GOG" answer that goes a lot deeper let me try this one: the tendency of humans to be swayed by the art of rhetoric even when it flies in the face of other properties of reality.
I get your concern, irrational & gullible beside manipulation & exploitation, human flaws range from folly to fatal.
Post edited April 12, 2020 by doodad88
fr33kSh0w2012: Both - Because horror games are HILARIOUS!
I laud your very Monty Pythonesque response.
fr33kSh0w2012: Both - Because horror games are HILARIOUS!
doodad88: I laud your very Monty Pythonesque response.
Finally someone gets my character!

Like this!

You might wet yourself laughing watching this!
doodad88: Frankly, I've been through & overcome much, beside my particular vocations, avocations, exposures, & interests even from an early age, my philosophy of acceptance, understanding, respect, & virtue along with intrigue that I've seemingly no scares or fears. Although, from an early age I have appreciated horror, macabre, science & social speculation, dystopia, yet I still appreciate a suspenseful atmosphere along with getting & giving a harmless jump of surprise. Seriously, from my youth I was already fascinated by all matters with environment, anthropology, archaeology, medicine, psychology, exo-biology, reading HP Lovecraft, grisly pulp tales, esoteric films, viewing rather repulsive graphic art only to know it was there & somehow another human created it from their abstract mind, also realizing the extremes of human nature to create, nurture, destroy, restore, ... Whether terrestrial, supernatural, paranormal, infinitesimal to infinite, even extra-terrestrial would engender intrigue rather than fear; I'd always hoped that any visitors to Earth would have a good sense of humor because that sure helps us to understand, relate, bridge, & get by with each other & situations. I know, sounds jaded, but I'm still reserving a sense of wonder, boundless optimism, hope, ...; I'm also aware that contemporary youth are vastly exposed to various media & ideas too, such an extent that they would be very difficult to scare since, beside R L Stine et al, now I'm aware of animation or a cartoon about HP Lovecraft's Necronomicon, even where the author himself depicted as a character, but derived from a graphic novel. With all this to say, I still appreciate the imagination & craft that goes into creating these "video games" (seem to have transcended such a description don't you agree?) we all enjoy. Continuing the journey.
I don't want to get into this entire post, as it is too interesting and it would likely make me want to write a wall of text in reply....suffice it to say I liked reading this and you said some interesting/good things here(some of which match my own likes/interests), so thanks for relating all this. :)

doodad88: GR, Thank you for the gracious offer & considering my entries into the selection for both Barrow Hill games & the runner-up category.
Np.....entered and good luck to ya. :)

doodad88: Also, I lub kittehs too. cute. :D

Genocide2099: Not in but one thing that really scares me is cockroaches. It just freaks me out when they scurry around aimlessly and even worse when they fly around aimlessly.
Them, centipedes(the big ones), spiders, etc.....they make my skin crawl as well to some degree.
Post edited April 13, 2020 by GameRager
For me, it used to be bees and wasps - these days, I cope better with bees but still can't stand wasps.
Probably dates back to when I was a little kid when a bee landed on my back and mum freaked out when I brought
it into the house...

The Cornish setting of the Barrow hill games reminds me of a wierd but true incident from my early teens - we'd gone on holiday to Cornwall, and went to have a look at a small stone circle - it was away from the roads, and we had to go along a small right of way across a farm field to get there. Took my camera along to take some photos, got to the circle - not stonehenge style, just upright stones a few feet high, and we were the only people there - and when I got to the middle of the circle I heard a sudden loud noise of bees - it freaked me out somewhat, since there was nothing in sight to explain it, and it went away when I moved out of the centre. Oddly enough, I never ended up wirh any pictures either - turned out the film (this was back in pre-digital days) hadn't loaded properly - I'd been taking pictures for years by then, and to this day, that's the only time I've ever had a problem loading film. Probably just a coincidence, but odd :)
Post edited April 13, 2020 by JerryTheC
JerryTheC: For me, it used to be bees and wasps - these days, I cope better with bees but still can't stand wasps.
Probably dates back to when I was a little kid when a bee landed on my back and mum freaked out when I brought
it into the house...
Yeah, I worry a bit about being stung too(not allergic, just don't like pain).

JerryTheC: The Cornish setting of the Barrow hill games reminds me of a wierd but true incident from my early teens - we'd gone on holiday to Cornwall, and went to have a look at a small stone circle - it was away from the roads, and we had to go along a small right of way across a farm field to get there. Took my camera along to take some photos, got to the circle - not stonehenge style, just upright stones a few feet high - and when I got to the middle of the circle I heard a sudden loud noise of bees - it freaked me out somewhat, since there was nothing in sight to explain it, and it went away when I moved out of the centre. Oddly enough, I never ended up wirh any pictures either - turned out the film (this was back in pre-digital days) hadn't loaded properly - I'd been taking pictures for years by then, and to this day, that's the only time I've ever had a problem loading film. Probably just a coincidence, but odd :)
Interesting tale/story.

Btw is this you saying you're entering the contest? :)
JerryTheC: For me, it used to be bees and wasps - these days, I cope better with bees but still can't stand wasps.
Probably dates back to when I was a little kid when a bee landed on my back and mum freaked out when I brought
it into the house...
GameRager: Yeah, I worry a bit about being stung too(not allergic, just don't like pain).

JerryTheC: The Cornish setting of the Barrow hill games reminds me of a wierd but true incident from my early teens - we'd gone on holiday to Cornwall, and went to have a look at a small stone circle - it was away from the roads, and we had to go along a small right of way across a farm field to get there. Took my camera along to take some photos, got to the circle - not stonehenge style, just upright stones a few feet high - and when I got to the middle of the circle I heard a sudden loud noise of bees - it freaked me out somewhat, since there was nothing in sight to explain it, and it went away when I moved out of the centre. Oddly enough, I never ended up wirh any pictures either - turned out the film (this was back in pre-digital days) hadn't loaded properly - I'd been taking pictures for years by then, and to this day, that's the only time I've ever had a problem loading film. Probably just a coincidence, but odd :)
GameRager: Interesting tale/story.

Btw is this you saying you're entering the contest? :)
Yes, though since I've already bought the games, If I should win It'd be great If I could donate the prize to someone helping out with the Covid-19 stuff - either in the healthcare services, or the other people like supermarket and transport staff who're risking their health to keep the rest of us fed and getting key workers to work.
JerryTheC: Yes, though since I've already bought the games, If I should win It'd be great If I could donate the prize to someone helping out with the Covid-19 stuff - either in the healthcare services, or the other people like supermarket and transport staff who're risking their health to keep the rest of us fed and getting key workers to work.
That is fine and nice gesture on your part....entered and good luck to you. :)

Please note, also, that you should check to see if you won when the winners are chosen(which should be about a few hours after the contest closes, hopefully). if you win I will need you to add me as a friend temporarily so I can PM you the codes.
Post edited April 13, 2020 by GameRager
I'm in. Thanks for the giveaway!

I'm shameful to admit it, but I'm a grown man that really don't like syringes. It's at a point where I can't even look at a picture of one or hear descriptions about it without feeling physically uncomfortable. I've been exposed to a few over the years of course, but I could just never get used to it. At least it inspires me to stay healthy and keep my teeth clean, hehe..