blueGretsch: One of the very first things people always ask about when it comes to a new game is how long it is. So I don't believe that developer argument, I mean, who exactly have they been asking? It does not match the reality of what I've been seeing.
So did you not read any of the posts in this topic? Also, developers have actual data, through things like achievements and other telemetry, where they can see for themselves how much time people spend before quitting.
People generally want longer games but also the option of finishing it sooner. If they really like the game, they want the option of continuation, through open-world-ness, new game +, random or procedural map generation etc.
No, I specifically want shorter games that have a defined end, where you're just 100% done, and you move on. Not all the time, no, and maybe not even the majority of the time, but I do want that. (Also, the number of times I've ever actually played a new game+ is zero. I've started a few out of curiosity but don't stick with it for long.)
I think certain developers are too eager to equate "some" with "all" or "most", in the same way they are equating "games journalists" with "[actual] gamers" to justify some sort of change.
I think certain people are too eager to think that "I want a thing" means "everybody wants that thing" because they can't comprehend that they're not the center of the universe and their opinions are not the majority. Some are also eager to think that a few loud people on the internet are representative of anything.