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HijacK: You just reinforced my point of why I should not enter a relationship. But I find it extremely funny when people think of themselves from that perspective. It takes one to be heart broken and cheated on to genuinely understand the conflict that arises from actions you just mentioned.
Lifthrasil: Yes. That's why her having a boyfriend is a problem. I'm not going to try to get her to cheat on him. Nor is she the kind of woman that would cheat (I think). But one can dream - of them ending their relationship for whatever reason and her being available.
Nothing wrong with dreaming. However in your earlier post you admitted you should try be an influencing variable in their relationship by finding a more "suitable" girl for the guy, which is to ask, how do you know when a girl is more suitable for him? And how do you know this guy's girlfriend would be happier this way? Or what if in your search for a more suitable girl for the guy, you also find a more suitable girl for yourself? But don't mind all those questions. They're the type of questions that can be answered only through experimentation. If you're going to do anything, let me know if you find the answers to what I asked.
HijacK: *snip*
For God's sake, man, lighten up. I've already lived through the ass-end of that experience so don't be going on about "genuine understanding" when it was all in drunken jest.
HijacK: *snip*
Shaolin_sKunk: For God's sake, man, lighten up. I've already lived through the ass-end of that experience so don't be going on about "genuine understanding" when it was all in drunken jest.
Let's hope Kim Jong whatever the fuck is his name won't get drunk anytime soon then. He may not be as easy going about nuking the world while drunk. :P
I think you're overthinking things. My guess is that Shaolin_sKunks post wasn't entirely serious. You know, the Muhahahahahahahahhaha! might have been a hint. And my reply about following his plan was in the same spirit. :-)

But still, nice to see that you care about other peoples relationships. So if it eases your mind, rest assured that I'm not going to try to make them break up. Even if it would work (which is highly unlikely), him finding another girl and leaving her would hurt her - and hurting her is the last thing I would want to do.
Lifthrasil: I think you're overthinking things. My guess is that Shaolin_sKunks post wasn't entirely serious. You know, the Muhahahahahahahahhaha! might have been a hint. And my reply about following his plan was in the same spirit. :-)

But still, nice to see that you care about other peoples relationships. So if it eases your mind, rest assured that I'm not going to try to make them break up. Even if it would work (which is highly unlikely), him finding another girl and leaving her would hurt her - and hurting her is the last thing I would want to do.
I know he was not serious, but you have to admit his post has a rather disturbing side of truth to it. :D That may be because so many people out there are like I explained before. In any case, here's wishing you good luck on getting the girl if they ever break up, or finding someone else if they don't.
HijacK: I know he was not serious, but you have to admit his post has a rather disturbing side of truth to it. :D That may be because so many people out there are like I explained before. In any case, here's wishing you good luck on getting the girl if they ever break up, or finding someone else if they don't.
Today is combo day. My menu today is...

Shiner Bock
Spaten Optimator
Mike's Hard Lemonade
Red Apple Ale

How do you think that will go? I give it a 20% of rainbow colored vomit.
Getting wasted!
ÖÄÖÄ squirrel's rotten asshole in my ear is vomit shit I dunno, dragon age is preetyy good!
Have a nice day and week! Winter is ocming
OK guys, I'm a little bit a lot of drunk, so hopefully this makes sense:

Why is that when you are drunk, you burp a lot? I've tried Googling it, but the usual answer I find is, "Beer is carbonated, so when you drink a lot of it, you burp a lot, just like soda."

That's great, except I usually drink straight liquor, which is obviously non carbonated, and I still burp a lot. This only happens when I get really tipsy, so I think it might be linked to resisting the urge to vomit, but what do you think?

In other news, I might be an alcoholic.
Maybe the bacteria in the liquor breaks down your food and it creates gas?
Shadowstalker16: Maybe the bacteria in the liquor breaks down your food and it creates gas?
Interesting, but doesn't alcohol kill bacteria? Unless you meant the liquor breaks down the bacteria in food and creates gas. If I'm thinking straight...
I thought alcohol has bacteria in it, because of the fermenting (well, for the fermenting). Since fermenting =breaking down, the bacteria may do it with food as well? I dunno, the only liquor available here isn't safe to drink anyway.
Oh, I just noticed you're from India?
The place I work at is owned by an Indian family, best bosses I've had yet. They tell me drinking is sort of taboo in India, and it's embarrassing to even admit to drinking? I can respect that if it's true, drinking is quite shameful and I always regret it later...
I'm pretty sure alcohol is an antiseptic, at any rate.
Post edited August 05, 2014 by Exoanthrope
It is considered taboo, and that kinda ttranscends genders and relegions. At any rate, people die from drinking country liquor (which is feremented palm juice here in Kerala mixed with stuff that's supposed to add so called ''kick'' and give ''energy'' or smth, which means literally putting broken batteries and dead animals and other nasties) since the shops which sell them are grey market and shady at best.

But I do know that it is good for health in small quantities and has antiseptic properties, so I don't judge. And I personally am a patron of Coco Cola; which in all honesty no one knows what goes into making.
Exoanthrope: OK guys, I'm a little bit a lot of drunk, so hopefully this makes sense:

Why is that when you are drunk, you burp a lot? I've tried Googling it, but the usual answer I find is, "Beer is carbonated, so when you drink a lot of it, you burp a lot, just like soda."

That's great, except I usually drink straight liquor, which is obviously non carbonated, and I still burp a lot. This only happens when I get really tipsy, so I think it might be linked to resisting the urge to vomit, but what do you think?

In other news, I might be an alcoholic.
Sloppy drinking. All kinds of restraints your body have gets put out of order when you're intoxicated. Reflexes you don't even think about having because they're, well reflexes. So you swallow like a water drain. Gets lots of air into your stomach. It's not for nothing that drunks choke from time to time. Their swallowing "reflex" isn't working any more.

On that note. One expensive red wine bottle down and now I'm working on a good old Macleod's whisky bottle. If on summer vacation put money on the important things. :)
Post edited August 07, 2014 by Tarm