justanoldgamer: What's happening here, has GOG become a dry web site?
Lets get the show back on the road and everyone off the wagon.
What are games that are best played while drunk?
Emob78: Doom. Whilst inebriated there is no other.
Good choice. I like Fable games, they don't require very much coordination; GTA games can be fun too. Ace combat 04 can be....difficult when drunk and any multiplayer tends to be a no go.
I must confess I'm not really drunk at the moment. I'll see if I can remedy that soon.
coxdr: so five bottle of wine after the start of my night I am officially dtunk. I feel achieved evne tho its with a griend. I deank a toetal of 2 and a half bottles mysled. plus a couple cans of angyr orchard. I am good and drunk and with that I wist this wonderful forum foodnite. glldnight all! and have a mary christmass@@@
Foodnite to you as well sir.
*Looks at bottle of vodka. Give me a sec' and I'll be able to better speak your language.