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NuffCatnip: That is true, Godot is going to se an increase in their user base for sure, but you can't develop more complex titles with Godot. All the AA and AAA devs using Unity so far are going to make the switch to Unreal.
dtgreene: There's nothing preventing complex games from being written in Godot. In fact, there've been complex games, like Dwarf Fortress, that were written without an engine (in this case, apparently originally in assembly language).
Sorry, nevermind my previous posts, I got something mixed up and assumed Godot was in its infancy and was limited in its capabilities. :D
clarry: Lol! I hope EPIC pulls the same move when unity devs move to unreal thinking one corporation wouldn't do exactly the same thing the other did when they got the chance.
idbeholdME: They would if they were desperate like Unity.
It doesn't take desperation though. All it takes is the having the opportunity and a bunch of greedy suits whose incentives are to increase the bottom line. Or a CEO who wants a new yacht..

I think you should, by default, assume that any corpo who gets in a position to do so will eventually try to exploit and milk the market they've captured. I don't have a lot of sympathy for people who take the gamble and get screwed. Usually those are the same people pushing proprietary tech instead of demanding and working towards better free & open source solutions with no strings attached.
Reading all the posts got me thinking, maybe the goal is actually to alienate most small dev teams and hobbists and work exclusively with big-ish studios.
In the past Unity games were associated with trash shovelware because it was free (and easy to get assets), after some time, plenty of good games started appearing and even with the price model change, it seems they are stuggling financially.

I remember back when I got to know Ori and the Blind Forest thinking it couldn´t be a good game since it was built on Unity. Yeah, nowadays Ori, Hollow Knight, Shadow Tactics, Superhot, Broforce, CupHead, Fell Seal or even Kerbal Space Program and Cities Skylines are excelent games (there are others probably, those are what I've played and enjoyed a lot), I mean, some of the best games released in the last few years. The "indie scene" couln't prosperate without the help of Unity.

"Curating" the games that use Unity with a dumbfuck price model that uses installation number as a metric may indeed be very tempting to larger studios since DRM is already embedded in the engine, with a very nice incentive to devs to use it in creative ways.
This opens the door to all kinds of shenenigans, including crosschecking the install and persons account to limit piracy, offloading all the work, support and "dark moves" on to the devs themselves.
rtcvb32: Last i checked, games 20 years ago (That would be PS2, though i'd go back to SNES, because i like Megaman X) look beautiful and are awesome. Oh sure there's hardware limitations making them very limited in size, but they worked, and worked very well. The NES/SNES games were all written in assembly for speed purposes.

Again i think you underestimate the value of games 20+ years old. Hardware design made the PS1 3D graphics janky, but otherwise the games were perfectly serviceable, which i can't say is the same today.
On that topic, I recently had a go with Gran Turismo 2 using DuckStation and after some tweaking is like entire new experience, even if me and my brother 100% the game several times back in the day. Not only increasing 3d rendering resolution, texture upscaling and 16:9 ratio but fixing distortion and flickering, to actually be able to use analog turning, throttle and breaking. It's like playing a modern driving title but with fun gameplay, except maybe the small draw distance.

Also, Zelda Wind Waker is turning 20 and with nothing but upscaling rendering resolution, via emulator, it looks better (IMO) than half of the games recently released, wich are nothing more than color saturated, generic and Unity-Feel.
By Unity-Feel, I mean most 3D games can pretty much be imediately identified as Unity built, just by looking at the graphics, specially thge low-poly stuff with that "hazy" and purple-ish tone.
Post edited September 13, 2023 by Dark_art_
zxety: 彼此尊重、相互依存,包容互鉴、共同发展,推进两岸关系不断发展进步
中国古代主张天下万邦和谐相处、和合共生,不滥杀无辜、不绝人祭祀,形成了协和万邦的国际观。比如,西周建立后不但封商人后裔于宋,而且神农、黄帝、尧、舜、禹之后也都各有封地,这与侵略扩张的帝国观有着重要区别。早期中西文化交流在 五千多年前就已经出现,中国在西传彩陶、黍、粟等的同时,也接纳了西来的绵羊、黄牛、小麦、冶金术等。汉代丝绸之路开通以后,丝绸、瓷器、造纸术、印刷术、指南针、铸铁技术等生活用品和民用技术从中国传到西方各地,传播方式是和平交往 和商业贸易而非侵略战争。与其他文明交流互鉴、和平共生,是中华民族一以贯之的处世之道。中华文明的发展,正是不同文明通过相互对话、相互交融获得共同进步的例证。当今世界有200多个国家和地区、2500多个民族和多种宗教,不同文 明各有特色、各有优长。彼此尊重、相互依存,包容互鉴、共同发展,人类文明才能不断发展进步。
True, I love that ad as well:
Post edited September 13, 2023 by timppu
Dark_art_: I remember back when I got to know Ori and the Blind Forest thinking it couldn´t be a good game since it was built on Unity. Yeah, nowadays Ori, Hollow Knight, Shadow Tactics, Superhot, Broforce, CupHead, Fell Seal or even Kerbal Space Program and Cities Skylines are excelent games (there are others probably, those are what I've played and enjoyed a lot), I mean, some of the best games released in the last few years. The "indie scene" couln't prosperate without the help of Unity.
Just because these games happen to be built on Unity doesn't necessarily mean they exist thanks to Unity. For all we know, they might exist in spite of Unity. And we'll never know what died thanks to Unity.

As far as I'm concerned, the indie scene prospered long before Unity had any mainstream-indie appeal. Unity is one for the "indiepocalypse" era.
neumi5694: Unity and UE are a constant development, there are a lot of programmers that develop it and improve it all the time.
dtgreene: I've heard that Unity has a lot of features that they stopped really developing, and therefore there's some code rot there. Also, Unity is apparently not really improving over time the way other engines (like Godot) have been.
doesn't change the fact that it would be a waste of time and resources if every company would develop their own engines all the time.

edit: But we're making the problem bigger as it is anyway. Apparently the dev does not have to pay for every installation until a certain number is reached and until his game generates a certain revenue.
Post edited September 13, 2023 by neumi5694
eric5h5: There are plenty of "games of the year" that use third-party engines.
Then why haven't you mentioned any of these amazing games? It's not the GOTY title that matters. Don't get hung up on that. I probably should not have said it that way. I'm talking about big important games in the landscape. People are not setting new standards using Unity. They are generally making cookie cutter stuff. The important titles are generally in house engines.

And it probably is too extreme to say everyone needs to write their own engine. But it's concerning when so many don't have a clue.

If you can't make your own engine YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE GAMES. You just know how to use Unity. Or you know how to use Unreal. But take those products away or the people who made them die off and they can't be maintained and guess what? You can't make games anymore. Because you don't know how.

We need people who know how.
Post edited September 13, 2023 by EverNightX
dtgreene: There's nothing preventing complex games from being written in Godot. In fact, there've been complex games, like Dwarf Fortress, that were written without an engine (in this case, apparently originally in assembly language).
NuffCatnip: Sorry, nevermind my previous posts, I got something mixed up and assumed Godot was in its infancy and was limited in its capabilities. :D
Godot is already in its 4th major version.

Incidentally, Unreal seems to be more of a special purpose engine. For example, I've heard there's a function to make the player character crouch, something that only makes sense in certain types of games. (It wouldn't work in something like Tetris, for example.)
EverNightX: If you can't make your own engine YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE GAMES.
What an elitist statement.
EverNightX: If you can't make your own engine YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE GAMES.
BreOl72: What an elitist statement.
It's a literal fact. You might be able to design game ideas, etc. and that's great. A lot goes into a full game beyond programming. But you literally don't know how to make a running video game. That's just true.
Post edited September 13, 2023 by EverNightX
high rated
BreOl72: What an elitist statement.
EverNightX: It's a literal fact. You might be able to design game ideas, or what not and that's great. But you literally don't know how to make a running game.
That's like saying a writer doesn't know how to write a book if he wrote it using a word processor he didn't create.
EverNightX: It's a literal fact. You might be able to design game ideas, or what not and that's great. But you literally don't know how to make a running game.
Breja: That's like saying a writer doesn't know how to write a book if he wrote it using a word processor he didn't create.
Breja: That's like saying a writer doesn't know how to write a book if he wrote it using a word processor he didn't create.
No, actually that analogy makes no sense. The fact you can't see how flawed it is means there's really no point discussing it.
Post edited September 13, 2023 by EverNightX
Breja: That's like saying a writer doesn't know how to write a book if he wrote it using a word processor he didn't create.
EverNightX: No, actually that analogy makes no sense. The fact you can't see how flawed it is means there's really no point discussing it.
Damn, there goes the highlight of my day.