Posted March 15, 2023

GOG is spiralling down
Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany

Sharpest Tool On Shelf
Registered: May 2017
From Australia
Posted March 15, 2023

GOG from all I have seen have never taken on Steam in any manner.
GOG just sell DRM-Free games, which is a rather small collection of games compared to what Steam has on offer, and it has never been any other way, certainly for AAA and AA quality games, which in GOG's case are mostly old ones.
Even the Indie games at GOG are a small collection compared to the likes of what Steam and have.
Aside from a few exclusives at GOG, there is no point to buying a game at GOG that is also available at Steam or Epic etc, unless you want a DRM-Free version, and in many cases those stores have a DRM-Free Lite version anyway, if more painful to obtain as a good DRM-Free installer type backup.
I love GOG to bits, but if you are serious gamer who cares more about the game, you would buy from whoever has it, and often price isn't even a major factor. I'm not that kind of gamer, and I have such a huge collection of games now, a great number of them free and DRM-Free, such that I can ignore most of what is on offer from Steam and Epic etc. I can certainly do that in the sense, that I will play what I have first before bothering with those stores ... which in my case, is going to be never. In fact I will likely leave this mortal coil before I deal with my backlog.
Anyway getting back to the premise of this thread.
Did something change, because GOG have always been the underdog, and certainly from where I am looking, GOG have more games now than ever before, a huge number of them great, if somewhat old.
So I really don't know where the concern by OP and others is. Business as usual from what I can tell.
Game providers are in the habit of making money ... have always been that way. For many that means avoiding GOG in most cases, until it becomes financially beneficial to bother. And some never bother because they either don't like GOG or don't want to support DRM-Free or whatever.
All that said though, if GOG stick to DRM-Free, then eventually they will go the way of the Dodo, unless they can pull a rabbit out of their hat. DRM-Free is certainly not where the world is heading, and GOG have had enough time now to make significant change if there was ever going to be any. But meanwhile things have moved on, and gamers and the gaming industry model are changing, and ownership is going to become less relevant over service and features etc ... sad but true.

The baddest of good guys
Registered: Jun 2013
From Slovakia
Posted March 15, 2023
The article about Sweeney frowning about not cracking Steam market share made me chuckle. I don't know how epic online service for mp games is any better than steamworks, unless being part of the chinese 10cent is the positive here.
If anything, to this day Valve allows 3rd parties to syphon away users by linking to other platforms. Gaben is way too benevolent. If Microsoft, Epic, etc had the same marketshare that Valve enjoys, they would lock it in hardcore-style in a heartbeat, no kidding around with other launchers, accounts and crossplays. It was Sweeney himself who aims for "games as a service" on egs, so you know where it will end.
BreOl72: From the (admittedly) little I understand about (Steam-)achievements...they usually are not hardcoded into the games themselves, nowadays.
So, it would take some work/time (aka: monetary investment) to add the same achievements to the GOG versions, that are bound to the Steam environment. Don't worry, it's much simpler than you would think esp. when the work was already done on Steam version. More or less a simple export-import.
If anything, to this day Valve allows 3rd parties to syphon away users by linking to other platforms. Gaben is way too benevolent. If Microsoft, Epic, etc had the same marketshare that Valve enjoys, they would lock it in hardcore-style in a heartbeat, no kidding around with other launchers, accounts and crossplays. It was Sweeney himself who aims for "games as a service" on egs, so you know where it will end.

So, it would take some work/time (aka: monetary investment) to add the same achievements to the GOG versions, that are bound to the Steam environment.

New User
Registered: Feb 2023
From Canada
Posted March 15, 2023
My limited understanding is that Epic requires developers implement crossplay between all PC platforms for multiplayer games released on EGS, while Steam's multiplayer is designed to only be used by Steam customers, effectively splintering the online base if not preventing non-Steam customers from accessing it at al.

The baddest of good guys
Registered: Jun 2013
From Slovakia
Posted March 15, 2023

Devs can go for crossplay though if they want even here, some games here on gog have it with steam, like Shadow warrior 2, Rise of the triad reboot, and some others. It's not like Valve locked the Steamworks, it being a mystery black box of sorts or something. But I agree, if those devs go for epic grants etc, they should at least implement crossplay or other features so those who buy games there won't feel like 2nd class users. I just find articles like that funny, is all.
Post edited March 15, 2023 by Spectrum_Legacy

gog n' cogs
Registered: Mar 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted March 15, 2023
high rated
It has sweet FA to do with benevolence
EA went "We want to keep 100% of micro-transactations"
Gabe went, "No way, we're taking 30% cut of that too"
So EA, thought for a moment then replied "100% of micro transactions or we ditch this gin joint"
Gabe chuckled "I dare you, I double dare you mother flumper"
So EA made Origin and left
"Bugger" went Gabe
"Ah-hem!" coughed Ubisoft, "About these micro transactions"
"30%!" shouted Gabe
"We call this uPlay" replied Ubisoft
"Feck!" signs Gabe
"Ah-hem!!" Cough Square-Enix, 2K and Bethesda all together
"Fine.... you keep all micro transactions you process via your own systems"
Valve lost 2 of the biggest publishers in the world because it wanted total control of the platform, there was no "benevolence" there was a threat of loosing more big names.
EA went "We want to keep 100% of micro-transactations"
Gabe went, "No way, we're taking 30% cut of that too"
So EA, thought for a moment then replied "100% of micro transactions or we ditch this gin joint"
Gabe chuckled "I dare you, I double dare you mother flumper"
So EA made Origin and left
"Bugger" went Gabe
"Ah-hem!" coughed Ubisoft, "About these micro transactions"
"30%!" shouted Gabe
"We call this uPlay" replied Ubisoft
"Feck!" signs Gabe
"Ah-hem!!" Cough Square-Enix, 2K and Bethesda all together
"Fine.... you keep all micro transactions you process via your own systems"
Valve lost 2 of the biggest publishers in the world because it wanted total control of the platform, there was no "benevolence" there was a threat of loosing more big names.

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted March 15, 2023
high rated
Personally, I'd prefer games didn't have micro-transactions full stop. Sell me the whole game, I don't like the whole concept of "pay to win".

The baddest of good guys
Registered: Jun 2013
From Slovakia
Posted March 15, 2023
I like the storytelling! Heck, if I was Gaben, I would tell em to pack that "3rd party drm/account requirement" along too. But I'm just a guy and not as benevolent as he is.
Are origin and uplay doing well btw? I dunno much about them. I remember seeing they released some new-ish batches of their games on steam though, so maybe they don't sulk that much anymore. And isn't bathesda selling mods, their masterplan finally realized? O man I remember that... better than microtransactions.
Are origin and uplay doing well btw? I dunno much about them. I remember seeing they released some new-ish batches of their games on steam though, so maybe they don't sulk that much anymore. And isn't bathesda selling mods, their masterplan finally realized? O man I remember that... better than microtransactions.

2023-08-14: Remember the Spaces!
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted March 15, 2023

Honestly I would not want GOG filled with all the shovelware that is on
Just gotta develop a sense of taste.
Or would you rather get into a tautological argument over the definition of shovelware, because boy are there some titles on GOG I'd stop selling immediately.

DRM Refugee
Registered: Dec 2019
From United Kingdom
Posted March 15, 2023

Nor is the growth of the Epic Store successful because of allowing DRM (which many games don't even use), it's successful due to throwing a sh*tload of Fortnite money at publishers. And that's far closer to the truth - game developers just plain don't want to be on more than 1-2 PC stores (DRM or not). Naturally Steam wins by default due to the artificial fragmentation crap, sorry I meant "Steamworks features (tm)", they normalized for PC games in the first place. And all the other not-Steam PC game stores other than GOG are all subsidised by something else (Epic = Fortnite Money, Microsoft = Azure Money, Origin & Uplay = EA / Ubisoft mega-publishing companies, etc, and they all have the financial ability to offer incentives to do a Not-Steam version. GOG does not. MS, EA & Ubisoft also all have a large stable of subsidiaries (Bioware, Red Storm, Activision, Zenimax, etc) that they can 'order' to be on their stores to force increased popularity if it came to it. CDPR does not.
And GOG welcoming DRM won't do a thing for the bottom line financial situation, they still wouldn't have a pile of Fortnite money and there would still be DRM-Free games sold elsewhere but not on GOG. Plenty of Steam-only DRM'd games would also remain Steam-only for the same reason they aren't on "we love DRM!" Microsoft Store or Epic or Origin. That would however 'succeed' in driving many of their existing DRM-Free customers away (who've bought the most games here and aren't just 'one-hit wonders' who only signed up to redeem a Witcher 3 code) and they still won't be replaced by the "No Steam, No Buy" crowd...
Post edited March 15, 2023 by BrianSim

gog n' cogs
Registered: Mar 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted March 15, 2023

Are origin and uplay doing well btw? I dunno much about them. I remember seeing they released some new-ish batches of their games on steam though, so maybe they don't sulk that much anymore. And isn't bathesda selling mods, their masterplan finally realized? O man I remember that... better than microtransactions.

New User
Registered: Oct 2022
From United States
Posted March 15, 2023

Being postive is bad on GOG
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted March 15, 2023

Honestly I would not want GOG filled with all the shovelware that is on

I know there are games on GOG that could be called shovelware . That's why I do not want GOG more like Lol
Post edited March 15, 2023 by Syphon72

Registered: Nov 2012
From Poland
Posted March 15, 2023
Isn't that what all companies want? To be personified in the minds of their users?

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted March 15, 2023
Creating a client, selling modern games, Galaxy 2.0 with the "one library for everything" promotion, 30 day returns, etc. etc... they've put a lot of money into trying to go past their original concept, and none of it ever got them much market share beyond what they already had.