Posted March 15, 2023
high rated

The list goes on.
GOG didn't really "make a play for Steam market share". They simply started scraping between Valve's toes.

I don't care for achievements, I think they're just pathetic popups of poop, but if the younger players want those because Valve has somehow made them the gold standard of PC gaming, and if I can get a DRM free installer that doesn't have those, I can let people have and enjoy their achievements, no problem.
But if I play a game that's clearly only fun when you get showered with virtual trophies all the time, I do get to call it the game design from hell.

It's a perpetual motion device that only runs in reverse, and it's been at work on gog for some years now. Developers release on GOG way later than day one and should know that a week two release costs them and gog more than 90% of the potential sales. Month 2, month 3? Forget about it. These devs see the sales, think "not worth my time", and release even later or not at all next time.
At the same time, gog is getting a reputation for late releases, more people flock to the monopoly, meaning even less sales for future actual day one releases.
Take Atlas Fallen. Big kudos to Deck 13 that they'll release here. Huge kudos that they announce it, and openly say that and when they'll release. But they'll release in September, four months after the Steam release. And these are professionals. They KNOW they'll sell jack shit here four months after the game is out on Steam or piratebay or whatever crappy ftp the asshats are using these days. They release here as a status symbol. It signals "We don't really like the monopoly, we're actually the rebels". But the flag they're waving is the size of a post-it.
Nowadays, a GOG release is a pity release by developers who can't bear their fans nagging them all the time, or a status symbol. And when they eventually do their pity release on GOG, they will promptly be labeled something something second citizen, and/or bombarded with negative reviews by people who never bought the game.
And a developer whose releases are actively greeted with open hostility on gog is very unlikely to ever come back. Doesn't mean people have to eat every shit developers are dumping on GOG, but there might be a big red line crossed when people who never bought the game on gog are throwing a hissy fit over missing achievements or soundtrack mp3s or cosmetic patches or censorship that isn't.
I mean, I'm definitely still bummed out that my version of Return to Monkey Island doesn't have the adorably useless pre-order item even though I bought it day one here and would have pre-ordered if that ever was a possibility. But it was a great game, and that eventually counted more.
Positive outlook: Image & Form / Thunderful seem to be very loyal to the gog community, and I usually love their games. The Plague Tale makers release here day one, and I really hope it pays out for them. Wadjet Eye's next game Old Skies will probably be on GOG day one, whenever that may be, and I just love that stuff. Outcast 2 is coming, and that really looks to be incredible once they manage to get the awkward controls in order.
Maybe you can think of a few devs too who never let you down on GOG.
Post edited March 15, 2023 by Vainamoinen