LootHunter: I think you are wrong. Pretty much all anime focus on emotions. And since emotions are very personal, they can be very different for different people. And that's why pretty much none of the anime shows or movies have universal appeal.
They overdo it a ton on some of the newer animes, though....when you see a character acting over the top in being scared when it's a minor or non issue, amazed at something when it's nothing special, or otherwise overly emotional you can tell they are doing it to play to cliches/tropes and pander to those that love that junk.
Most(not all) older animes were a bit more restrained..they showed emotion when needed or when it was the right moments, and usually in the right amounts to not be over the top.
LootHunter: Maybe Sailor Moon pushed some boundaries and had interesting creative choices (and I'm referring not just lesbian representation), but at heart it is still just a Super Sentai for girls with most silly characters I've seen on the screen.
Eh, I included it somewhat because "eye candy" and it was also silly and fun to watch....I also grew up with it being on all the bloody time as well, so that played into it a bit.
LootHunter: And even if you can't watch Dragon Ball Z without desire to punch TV, a lot of people (me included) find its most epic fights incredibly entertaining. (Though I must admit the series really tries audience patients with entire episodes dedicated to some character charging his "energy dong". Honestly, with Dragon Ball Z: Kararot game (not on GoG) released there is no reason to watch anime now.)
It has it's moments early on & even later on here and there, but the same old "growl and grunt and punch stuff till a certain number then beat bad guy, rinse and repeat" gets old pretty quick.
Also(like a YTer explains on one channel) they go too "ambitious" by going after x/y best/toughest foe in every area......and now they are on the multiverse.....where's to go after that? They've essentially painted themselves into a corner, so to speak.
LootHunter: So you see, even most popular and well-known anime can be interesting only for specific audience. That's how it was back than and is today. That's btw, why I asked OP a few comments back what exactly was his preferences.
I get that some stuff isn't for everyone, BUT I also can see how annoying some of the protags of newer stuff can be, and how cliche/trope filled some stuff is nowadays.
When there are entire sites online that mock/criticize current animes(series or in general) for certain things you can sorta tell it's not just personal taste entirely at play.