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ConsulCaesar: Now reading The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson.
The first chapter of that will haunt me for the rest of my life!
ConsulCaesar: Now reading The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson.
gogtrial34987: The first chapter of that will haunt me for the rest of my life!
It certainly makes an impression!
I was reading Harry Potter many many years ago. Written by J.K. Rowling.
Post edited May 07, 2024 by TheHalf-Life3
STAR WARS - The Han Solo Trilogy #3 REBEL DAWN

After I'm done it's back to Forgotten Realms
Dedicated Unreal Server.
Dune, because why not :)
But it seems to be little complicated.
Many forum comments.
Eon by Greg Bear.

1985 sci fi about arrival of alien asteroid to earth in early 2000.

Great read so far. Doesnt feel dated as the dates are mere symbolic. but it does have few oddities which are now just obscure.

People are mentioned working on processors. makes zero sense in context now but if we replace the word with "tablet" it will work most of the time.

but they are just silly things which do not cause issue with enjoyment of the book

I read his older work before The Forge of God. It was really great read. so far Eon is as good.
Mystagogus written by Josephine McCarthy.
Diary of Saint Faustina.
The Apprentice - Module 1: Core Skills Quareia written by Josephine McCarthy.
I'm reading Asimov's Robot series. The Caves of Steel and The Naked Sun were fine, but The Robots of Dawn turned into a slog.