Orkhepaj: " I can't stand most JRPGs and don't consider them to be RPGs anyways."
Same , and they look so similar to eachother.
Wait, you're saying that games like SaGa Frontier and SaGa Fronter 2, which would be best classified as JRPGs (unless you want to make a special category for SaGa games), look similar to each other? I would beg to differ about that.
Breja: On the other hand, the game is all about playing the role of Geralt. Inhabiting the character, immersing yourself in his situation, interacting with the world and other characters the way he would (or at least you think he would) It is much more focused on actual roleplaying than many games that are overflowing with stats and skills and tables and all that Player's Handbook stuff, but the player character is more or less a blank avatar for the player and never can grow beyond that, except maybe in the player's imagination.
This sounds like an adventure game, rather than an RPG, to me.
(The notion of what a CRPG is doesn't actually have anything to do with role-playing, despite the name. In fact, role-playing would fit more as an element of adventure games, rather than of role-playing games. A similar issue is with cutscenes used to tell the story; while common in CRPGs (particlarly JRPGs), they're really a visual novel element, not an RPG element.)
JakobFel: To me, a game where you play as a fully set-in-stone protagonist doesn't really fall under the RPG title.
To me, whether you play as a fully set-in-stone protagonist has no bearing on whether the game is an RPG.
(If you were to define RPG solely on that basis, you end up including games like The Sims in that category, and I'm not sure that's what you want.)
Breja: I do tend to "roleplay" pretty much every game where you create a character, it's true, but in most cases it's just in my imagination which creates sort of an "imaginary overlay", where the character is so much more than the game actually allows me to express.
That includes games like The Sims and Stardew Valley, which have you creating your characters but are not usually classified as RPGs, right? In fact, these games are certainly good for role-playing, despite the fact that they're not RPGs.