Yeah I got that the j should be an I and looking at the way the cypher worked I though maybe nmillar had given A the value 1 instead of starting from 0 (which is another way of saying -1 or Rot25 or whatever) but I still wasn't getting English out - maybe I mistranslated the symbols to numbers or did the Futurama decrytion method wrong or something - good to know I was close anyway
Unfortunately, after reading about the Playfair cypher from the official compo weekend puzzle I know that in similar cyphers i and J are often combined so I started going off at that tangent instead of just checking through carefully!
Oh and BTW, in regard to googling, after trying random stuff like Nomad Soul and Radiohead I tried 'Klingon alphabet' instead, which at least gave me an alphabet even if it was wrong so I tried 'Alien Alphabet' and bingo - 3rd or 4th result, so it's good to know I can get lucky with Google if nothing else
Sorry again to those that thought it was too much of a spoiler!