Lexor: I do not see much difference between naming of nations and naming of companies. The biggest one difference is probably that rules for typing names of nations are included in dictionaries, and names of companies are not. Still if company has this or that name I can not see why I shouldn't name them as they want to. I would care if I invent some technology, named it somehow and then some other people will start to corrupt its name. And I've never seen bad written name by staff member.
I'm quite sure I did, but that's beside the point. What I have never seen, however, is a staff member condemning this behaviour in any way. Maybe you would care, but I wouldn't mind if I came up with a name for something and people wouldn't abreviate it correctly. I mean, while I do abbreviate it 'GoG,' more than once have I gifted someone a game here so he registers and finds out how hreat the site is, I spred the name whereever I can... I think that's far from disgracing GOG.
But if it irks you so much that I'm using GoG instead of the correct form GOG for whatever personal reasons, I'll just start using GOG, I mean I don't really mind.
It would be nice of you to just politely ask and tell me your reasons next time, all right?