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Is there anyone here who always wanted to try Beyond Good and Evil but didn't get the chance yet?

I'd like to give away one copy of the GOG version, but seeing how much I love the game I hate the thought that it might end up on someone's gameshelf gathering dust and not being properly enjoyed. So I'm offering the gift code under one of the following two conditions. And yeah, I lied in the thread title, it's actually a choice between GOOD and EVIL. :P

Listen to your conscience. Be honest and apply only if getting the game would make you really happy, if you've got a feeling that you would enjoy it, if you plan on playing it very soon or if the only reason that kept you from buying it was that you can't afford it. Just post "I'm good" and if 48 hours from now everyone has been good, I'll select one honest winner at random from all applicants.

Dispel all my doubts and corrupt my soul by secretly bribing me with a copy of "Lands of Lore 1+2" in exchange. Just send me a PM, I won't ask any questions and won't pass any judgement, but instead rejoice that you offered me a chance to play Lands of Lore 2. Of course that would mean that the deal is off for everyone else - I'll annouce that the contest was prematurely won by an anonymous benefactor. (First-come, first-served.) >:)

I know, the world is corrupt and this is probably one of the most devious contests ever held here, but don't take it too seriously, it's just a game. ;)
Post edited November 15, 2011 by Leroux
I'm good.

I'm actually not, but damn is it not swell to be low on cash. Not getting paid for learning... yet.
I'm good.
never got the money to buy it so I'll give it a try
Stupid conscience is reminding me that I played the whole game on PS2 and still have it. Best of luck to newcomers, you'll be happy whether you picked the good or evil option.
I'm good
By which I mean that I WOULD like the game - sounded kinda like I wouldn't!
I'm good.

I played Beyond good and evil real hard on the PS2 but couldn't complete it back then. It's a great game.
I'm Good.

My dad bought this game for our computer back when it first came out. We installed it and the computer wouldn't run it.... My dad then returned the game. I always wanted to play it. Lol
Well ... I have it on Xbla ... but thanks for giving me the option to feel good about myself for saying so ^_^ !!
I'm good. Thanks for the contest!
Nah s'alright, I'm good, already have the game. Twice. One of them a disc that uninstalls as soon as the install is about to finish on 64-bit Windows, the other a GOG.
Already have this game but good luck to whomever gets it.
This game is great and even if you're one of the people that don't win it I highly suggest you buy it.
Vorausgesetzt, dass die Wahrheit ein Weib ist -, wie? ist der Verdacht nicht gegründet, dass alle Philosophen, sofern sie Dogmatiker waren, sich schlecht auf Weiber verstanden? dass der schauerliche Ernst, die linkische Zudringlichkeit, mit der sie bisher auf die Wahrheit zuzugehen pflegten, ungeschickte und unschickliche Mittel waren, um gerade ein Frauenzimmer für sich einzunehmen?

This books still gives me headaches...

I already have the game, but I like how you put up the contest.


Listen to your conscience. Be honest and apply only if getting the game would make you really happy, if you've got a feeling that you would enjoy it, if you plan on playing it very soon or if the only reason that kept you from buying it was that you can't afford it.

^This should be a rule for every giveaway
Post edited November 15, 2011 by SimonG
SimonG: Vorausgesetzt, dass die Wahrheit ein Weib ist -, wie? ist der Verdacht nicht gegründet, dass alle Philosophen, sofern sie Dogmatiker waren, sich schlecht auf Weiber verstanden? dass der schauerliche Ernst, die linkische Zudringlichkeit, mit der sie bisher auf die Wahrheit zuzugehen pflegten, ungeschickte und unschickliche Mittel waren, um gerade ein Frauenzimmer für sich einzunehmen?
Google Translate:
[url=|en|Vorausgesetzt%2C%20dass%20die%20Wahrheit%20ein%20Weib%20ist%20-%2C%20wie%3F%20ist%20der%20Verdacht%20nicht%20gegr%C3%BCndet%2C%20dass%20alle%20Philosophen%2C%20sofern%20sie%20Dogmatiker%20waren%2C%20sich%20schlecht%20auf%20Weiber%20verstanden%3F%20dass%20der%20schauerliche%20Ernst%2C%20die%20linkische%20Zudringlichkeit%2C%20mit%20der%20sie%20bisher%20auf%20die%20Wahrheit%20zuzugehen%20pflegten%2C%20ungeschickte%20und%20unschickliche%20Mittel%20waren%2C%20um%20gerade%20ein%20Frauenzimmer%20f%C3%BCr%20sich%20einzunehmen%3F%0A]"Provided that the truth is a woman - how? is not founded suspicion that all philosophers, insofar as they were dogmatists, is poorly understood in women? that the gruesome seriousness, the clumsy obtrusiveness with which they used so far to approach the truth, clumsy and unseemly means were to just take a woman for themselves?"[/url]

If having a woman is "the good", why don't we think that all philosophers are merely trying to take a woman for themselves?

Underlying question:
Do philosophers create philosophical theories for the good of others or for the good of themselves?
Post edited November 15, 2011 by lightnica
lightnica: Underlying question:
Do philosophers create philosophical theories for the good of others or for the good of themselves?
They did it to get laid, pretenting I like Nietzsche got me laid once. So I think it's a win-win.
SimonG: pretenting I like Nietzsche
Saying you don't like Nietzsche sounds like a moral double negative.