Nel-A: That sounds seriously good! I actually don't want this to end though!
stoicsentry: Well, I'm actually thinking about conducting a sequel after it is finished.
I don't like the way I set it up with the characters, I would probably want to have less than 21 next time: it's just a lot, and I would also like everyone involved to have more choices and more of an effect on the story than they currently have.
I have a way to do this, but I would have to reboot. The best way to do that would be to begin a "Volume 2" after it's over.
I honestly thought that the story would be complete in and of itself, but then a few nights ago I was brainstorming and realized that there were plenty of opportunities to continue it.
Also, the next chapter is in the process of being written. I expect it will be done by tomorrow at the latest, hopefully tonight though. :)
Exile best be in Volume 2. He makes the Wanderers cool :D