In the Slums
The leader of the beggars glances at the man to his left, rubs his chin and speaks,
"Well, I suppose we showed our hand a bit by admitting you can beat us all up."
He chuckles, the continues, "Looks like we're gonna have to rely on o'piece of luck, hopin' that you will go ahead and pay us even after you got the information you need. That bein' the case, suppose we should up the ante,"
Another beggar interjects, "that little problem we got, eh?"
"Uh huh," replies the leader of the beggars. "Tell you what. You don't owe us anythin' at all, we're gonna go ahead and tell you whatever you need to know. But you gotta promise to come back sometime in the future, help us with a little 'infestation' we got. We're too... old to deal with the situation."
The third beggar quiets him, and begins, "Yeah you got that right. Been many days ago, when we were lookin' o'round town, and found this abandoned building in the residential district. Turns out, wealthy man o'the house must have up and died. Suspect he didn't have any heirs, cause no one ever came o'round to recover his riches."
The lead beggar adds,
"Yeah, and darned if he didn't have a lot o'stuff that might be o'use. Gems o' the finest quality he had. If we could get our hands on the rest of it, we wouldn't have to beg 'till the end of our days.
"Only problem is, place is crawlin' with giant spiders. They sting you once, you're in venom up to your eyeballs! Well, I be exaggeratin' a tad but it's definitely not safe for geezers like us.
"So, here's our deal. We'll tell you what you need to know, you promise to come back here and clear that place out. Then we split what's inside 50/50. Deal?
[Quest unlocked]
"Right," said the youngest beggar. "So you were askin' about troop movements. Supposin' that bein' a Quenhali, you're new 'round here. Long story short, there was a coup several days ago. The new King is takin' a hard line on the old 'enemies of the State' business. Been roundin' up anyone suspected of membership in the Knights of the Ton, or anyone that be at all sympathetic to that cause.
"You know, many of the Knights fled up north after the war... the old war, that is. Figure the army was chasin' 'em down. Don't suppose you happen to be one o'the supporters, do ya?"
Post edited December 13, 2011 by stoicsentry