KneeTheCap: Leh Dzebo
"You're still standing!?" Said Leh while using slaying to minor demon 2
Leh rolls 3/7 - Slaying. Minor Demon (2) took 20 damage, as the attack is highly effective.
Round 6
Minor Demon (2)
Minor Demon (2) rolls 8/10 - Claws - Exile. Exile suffered 39 damage.
HP update
Minor Demon (2): 82/150
Lucas: 51/60
Kamelion: 105/105 (Cannot act until round 7.)
Jack: 100/100 (Cannot act until round 8.)
Zaranak: 55/55
Exile: 61/100
Leh: 81/100
To end round 6, 3 players may act. (Not Jack or Kamelion)
pazzer: OOC: Hadn't looked at it as healing 33, was actually quite good then :)
Just saw it as lv11 char not healing much more than lv1 char. Which didn't seems right so was curious.
OOC: Gotcha. It was the difference between the "wave" and having a direct target. I assumed by "wave" you meant multiple targets?
Only meant to discuss with others. As doesn't make sense to say it in char due to Kamelion running away in fear at this time.
Just trying to get to grips with game and get an idea of what can/can't do. Along with idea of how much will heal for. So can decide if is better to heal or do something else. Not trying to influence results at all. But as you think I am will shut up now.
As long as that's what your intentions were, no problem, man. =)
As far as getting a feel for what you can/can't do, whether it's better to heal or not, etc., I think I'm going to adjust the skill system---replacing these broad skill types with specific ones so it's clear. Then I would just replace your current skill sets with specific skills that are similar and let you choose how to proceed from there.
I also think it would help to have a list of enemies, details about them so you could refer to the list and see their strengths, weaknesses, etc.
We'll see.
Looking for 3 players to act other than Kamelion (fled till round 7), and Jack (fled till round 8.)