I could not recommend Bean's Quest enough. If you like platformers at all... well, honestly, you should go on Desura and buy it this instant. It's well worth the price. If you want to get it for a steal with this May offer, then by all means.
Just get it, and don't put it on your backlog, either. Masterful spritework, music, level design, it's absolutely charming. I don't like to throw around the word "perfect", but I would place this game exceptionally high on the very long list of platformers I've played without hesitation. I'm not very good at writing reviews, but if you wish to see what I had to say, I wrote a review back in March (Currently the most recent review, from "Kuruku").
So yeah, that's definitely a highlight.
As a fan of vector graphics, I quite liked Swift*Stitch. I'm probably going to consider Q.U.B.E. It doesn't look all that interesting from what I've seen, but I've heard good things, and if it's cheap enough... well, it's likely to exceed my low expectations, at any rate. The Wonderful End of the World was trash. I didn't think you could mess up Katamari Damacy that badly. I could go on and on about the offerings here, but most of them are popular enough that I'm sure you can do without my input.
Whatever you do, just make sure that you get Bean's Quest, people. Just be warned that your character auto-hops and you simply use left and right to move. If you think you might have some odd aversion to this... well, there's a demo now. Honestly, this game exudes polish, quality, and charm. It's just plain fun. :D