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Foxhack: Gaslamp Games (the Dredmor guys) just joined this sale.
SirPrimalform: On Steam only for some reason. o.0
A lot of Desura game prices seem to be glitchy right now.
Anyone have any advice or opinions or either Cardinal Quest or Will fight for food? WFFF looks a bit like how Penny Aracade's game is drawn, and the humor seems to be there to some degree. Is it a fun game, and how long is it perse for a usual playthrough?

Also is CAardinal Quest just killing monsters or is there other stuff like levelling/looting/any quests as you play? Also as above how is the length of the usual playthrough.
GameRager: Anyone have any advice or opinions or either Cardinal Quest or Will fight for food?
Cardinal Quest is alright. It is a rogue-lite, so don't expect much in the ways of stats and such (there are stats, it is just very simplified). You kill monsters, level up, kill more monsters, and find some new spells, but that is about it, it has no real depth to it. It is a time killer game, basically, and a playthrough will take you somewhere in the region of 20-30min (and you can't save). At its full price, it is overpriced, in particular if you compare it to games such as Dungeons of Dredmor (which is far more ambitious, has far more content, depth & replay value), but at half price, it might be worth it, if all you are looking for is a quick time killer.
GameRager: Anyone have any advice or opinions or either Cardinal Quest or Will fight for food?
AFnord: Cardinal Quest is alright. It is a rogue-lite, so don't expect much in the ways of stats and such (there are stats, it is just very simplified). You kill monsters, level up, kill more monsters, and find some new spells, but that is about it, it has no real depth to it. It is a time killer game, basically, and a playthrough will take you somewhere in the region of 20-30min (and you can't save). At its full price, it is overpriced, in particular if you compare it to games such as Dungeons of Dredmor (which is far more ambitious, has far more content, depth & replay value), but at half price, it might be worth it, if all you are looking for is a quick time killer.
Thanks for the info......damn, why is it that a good number of indie games in bundles are ones I find unappealing(or at least not appealing enough to buy considering my backlog or just because of their genre/mechanics) or are too high priced(for me anyways)? 0.o
SirPrimalform: On Steam only for some reason. o.0
Foxhack: A lot of Desura game prices seem to be glitchy right now.
I dunno... I think they might have just forgotten about Desura. There are about 10 games on Desura taking part in the BWM sale, but then there are lots more that are on both Steam and Desura and only taking part in the sale on Steam.
Starmaker: The download links are valid for 24 hours.
Foxhack: Oh, BULLSHIT.
See for yourself. Note the "valid for 24 hours" part and "&expiry=" bit in the download link.
Anyway, their custserv is awesome, so I'm editing the initial post.
Starmaker: See for yourself. Note the "valid for 24 hours" part and "&expiry=" bit in the download link.
Anyway, their custserv is awesome, so I'm editing the initial post.
Oh, it's not that I don't believe you saying that.

It's that I don't believe their download service would have the balls to do that. As in, you know, being that assholish.

(I just noticed you're Russian, so the... uh... meaning might not be that obvious to you.)
Post edited May 25, 2012 by Foxhack
GameRager: Also is CAardinal Quest just killing monsters or is there other stuff like levelling/looting/any quests as you play? Also as above how is the length of the usual playthrough.
AFnord already gave good advice on this. If you still want more info, you can check the review I wrote on GamersGate. It's currently the second one from top.

(Side note: It's interesting that lots of other reviews mention the lack of a save feature, but very few mention that the game is so short that it barely needs one. Most reviews seem to be "first impressions" rather than actual reviews. Hrmph.)
GameRager: Also is CAardinal Quest just killing monsters or is there other stuff like levelling/looting/any quests as you play? Also as above how is the length of the usual playthrough.
Psyringe: AFnord already gave good advice on this. If you still want more info, you can check the review I wrote on GamersGate. It's currently the second one from top.

(Side note: It's interesting that lots of other reviews mention the lack of a save feature, but very few mention that the game is so short that it barely needs one. Most reviews seem to be "first impressions" rather than actual reviews. Hrmph.)
Too bad then. I might play it someday but I usually like RPGs that take a wee bit longer to finish...usually anyways. The graphics seem to remind me a bit of older RPGs and such...good times.
Post edited May 25, 2012 by GameRager
Foxhack: Gaslamp Games (the Dredmor guys) just joined this sale.
SirPrimalform: On Steam only for some reason. o.0
Yeah, just like Blocks That Matter is only on sale for XBox. Doesn't always have to be intentional though, sometimes it pays off to let the devs know you'd rather get their games from somewhere else. I asked Psydra Games if they had any intention to discount Dark Scavenger on Indievania, too, because on their website VAT was added to the dollar price, and to my surprise they promptly did that. :)
Post edited May 25, 2012 by Leroux
Foxhack: It's that I don't believe their download service would have the balls to do that. As in, you know, being that assholish.

(I just noticed you're Russian, so the... uh... meaning might not be that obvious to you.)
That part was actually fine because in my case, they were providing the downloads as a convenience ($10 + $15 S&H for a tin box with games is really generous). If the limit applies to fully digital orders, that's kind of assholish...

...but not as much as Shrapnel Games. The digital version of Dom 3 costs as much as the physical version ($55), you have to choose your platform (the disk comes with all three versions), and the download link expires in 2 weeks.

Buy now!
Only from May 24 to June 1
you can get Super Office Stress for
Why so high? Because we may!
Yes, that's the only available price - not a marketing ploy to drive traffic their way.
Starmaker: Yes, that's the only available price - not a marketing ploy to drive traffic their way.
Oh, so they're being assholes for the sake of being assholes.

Still, it's three bucks at Desura.
Post edited May 25, 2012 by Foxhack
SirPrimalform: On Steam only for some reason. o.0
Leroux: Yeah, just like Blocks That Matter is only on sale for XBox. Doesn't always have to be intentional though, sometimes it pays off to let the devs know you'd rather get their games from somewhere else. I asked Psydra Games if they had any intention to discount Dark Scavenger on Indievania, too, because on their website VAT was added to the dollar price, and to my surprise they promptly did that. :)
Yeah, I won't bug the Dredmor guys because I already own both the game and the expansion and I have bugged them a lot over the past few months and they've always been really nice. They deserve a break.

I have tweeted to the Q.U.B.E. developer though because that's one I'm intrigued by.
SirPrimalform: Yeah, I won't bug the Dredmor guys because I already own both the game and the expansion and I have bugged them a lot over the past few months and they've always been really nice. They deserve a break.
Oh, btw, I've been meaning to ask you: Did you by chance get DoD from the Humble bundle, and if so, do you know if the DRM-free download of the Diggle God DLC on Desura works fine with that version?
Starmaker: ...but not as much as Shrapnel Games. The digital version of Dom 3 costs as much as the physical version ($55), you have to choose your platform (the disk comes with all three versions), and the download link expires in 2 weeks.
I don't like SG. You might've noticed they sell WinSP MBT and WW2. Well, the SP sources were given to the creators of those mods/conversions under the explicit condition that they don't charge for them. ever. Officially they're selling the editors and modding tools, while the slightly expanded version of the games are labeled as a free bonus with no special features... unless you count screen resolution change and return fire filtering.
Luckily, they covered they asses so well, it literally only takes renaming one file to turn the free DL WinSP into a fully featured CD version.