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Prydeless: A Triss Merigold spinoff.
"Witch girl should I choose?" - a hentai visual novel staring Geralt caught betwixt two voluptuous ladies: Triss Merigold and Yennefer of Vengerberg. I would totally get it.
P.S. Typo is intentional.
More games on GOG sounds like a good idea. Only I still have to finish half of my catalogue... :(
serpantino: Oh goodie! [ /sarcasm]
keeveek: Le'ts just hope they will still be DRM-free ;)
That is one plus but they'll probably have to drop the good too because they'll likely snap up anything that's offered DRM free as I doubt big publishers will be keen to share their triple A titles in that state. If you don't think GOG wouldn't do that you might want to consider that there's a few, widely considered, rubbish old games already on gog.

They'll probably end up being just another generic distribution site which'll eventually serve up games with drm too.
Post edited November 17, 2011 by serpantino
Some more info:

- GOG will expand to digital distribution of new titles (and of course for higher prices)
- according to plans, GOG should become 2nd largest digital game distributor (no exact dates)
- in 2012 - 2013 100% growth in game distribution (sales) yearly
serpantino: [
That is one plus but they'll probably have to drop the good too because they'll likely snap up anything that's offered DRM free as I doubt big publishers will be keen to share their triple A titles in that state. If you don't think GOG wouldn't do that you might want to consider that there's a few, widely considered, rubbish old games already on gog.

They'll probably end up being just another generic distribution site which'll eventually serve up games with drm too.
What's wrong with idiea to have more games in gog catalogue? Let's hope they will not abandon Tue and Thu new oldies releases, and nothing will change for good old games fans.

Kola256: - according to plans, GOG should become 2nd largest digital game distributor (no exact dates)
He... hehe... hehehe...
Post edited November 17, 2011 by keeveek
keeveek: Also, newer titles will be present in catalogue (from higher prices)
This might just be GOGs land war in russia. Most people go for cheap prices when it comes to current games. And if you wait for a good deal, you can even get good modern games for 10$. If GOG focuses to much on current games it might alienate their current customer base and lose revenue in the long run.

I'm not very happy about this development...
Who is currently the 2nd? Gamersgate? :)
if for newer titles they mean games that are 3-5 or more years old is ok

if they mean really new titles i don't like the idea because is definitively a bad choice.
keeveek: What's wrong with idiea to have more games in gog catalogue? Let's hope they will not abandon Tue and Thu new oldies releases, and nothing will change for good old games fans.
It'll be a mess. If it's a separate site that can be ignored then that's fine but mixing the old and the new just makes a convoluted mess like other sites. I don't even think to search for old games on sites like gamersgate, I only ever look at the sales section.

Plus the new games market is more competitive and if they get games DRM free they're going to have to pay out a lot of money to keep them as exclusives, otherwise every distribution site will end up with them. If they do pay out for exclusivity then the prices are likely to be more than the DRM versions to cover the cost. If they don't pay out for exclusivity then bigger distributors will be able to sell the games DRM free too and undercut GOG, especially in sales.
SimonG: This might just be GOGs land war in russia.
It's Asia, not Russia.

And yeah, I'm not too thrilled with this either, but it all depends on how they want to actually go about it.
serpantino: They'll probably end up being just another generic distribution site which'll eventually serve up games with drm too.
I would be fine with a service where the games would be behind DRM for the first one (or two) years after their release (to gurantee the early sales), but the DRM was automatically removed after that. Maybe at least a few bigger publishers would be fine with that at least for some of their titles. Maybe.

Maybe I'm fine with that because nowadays I hardly ever buy games newer than that, Witcher 2 was an exception.
bazilisek: It's Asia, not Russia.
Really? guess you never stop learning. My view might be a bit "germanified". (Or francofied, considering how well respected Napoleon is were I come from).

Back to the topic: CDP and GOG did really well with the TW 2 release. Maybe it will turn out well, but my gut feeling is recommending caution.
timppu: .. I would be fine with a service where the games would be behind DRM for the first one (or two) years after their release (to gurantee the early sales)...
I played MW 3 on release, cracked. Same with AC II, AC II: Brotherhood and so on and so furth... If this really is your opinion, this thread might educate you.
Post edited November 17, 2011 by SimonG
SimonG: Really? guess you never stop learning. My view might be a bit "germanified". (Or francofied, considering how well respected Napoleon is were I come from).
Yep, because that covers not only Napoleon in Russia and Hitler in Russia, but also the Korean War, the Vietnam War and all the various invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq as well.
SimonG: I played MW 3 on release, cracked. Same with AC II, AC II: Brotherhood and so on and so furth...
I rather see the DRM being removed officially, not through cracks. Hunting down the cracks is usually a PITA (especially if there are different cracks for different versions of the game), you cannot be fully sure what "extras" (like trojans) they might contain, whether the cracked version will work with official expansion packs or latest updates or whatever, who to contact for support if I have problems with the cracked game(s)... no thanks. Not to mention that distribution of such cracks is illegal in many countries.

Just to give an example, I now have over 140 GoG games. If I was supposed to hunt down and apply a crack for each of them individually (first making sure which version each game is so that I get the correct crack), that's simply something I do not wish to do. It could just as well be proposed that I skip the whole buying part, and simply pirate each full game DRM-free.

That's the whole point of GoG as well, making it as painless as possible to get and run the games.

Plus, buying DRM games (and then cracking them myself) sends the wrong signal to publishers that I'm fine with their permanent DRM.
Post edited November 17, 2011 by timppu
timppu: snip
My point was that DRM shouldn't be in any release to start with, as it certainly doesn't help sales. For me pirating is also only the "demo" mode so many games lack. Heck I even bought AC II:Brotherhood on the same day as I played the cracked version because I was liked that game so much. Which was kinda stupid as I didn't get any pre-release bonus, which I missed by mere hours ...

And you would be suprised how elaborate those scene releases have become. Installing the cracked version of a lot of games is less of a hassle than installing all those Ubi DRM games.

But we drift from the topic at hand...